Dude anything dealing with AAS has not been clinically proven repeatedly for the most part besides the studies on Test, Deca, and Tren.
You can easily use the search button and find multiple threads on how much more effective Mdrol is compared to Dbol from USER experience. Thats basically ALL you ever going to get, "BRO SCIENCE".
Ive still yet to see you refute my statement on the FACT that most of Dbols weight gain is water weight as to Mdrols straight dry gains. And where you said a few posts above that if it were indeed a steroid be pulled off the market, many companies DO produce steriods and sell them as supplements on the market... heres a lil read:
Heres some proof that Mdrol(a superdrol clone) is in fact a steroid, NOT masteron but methasterone
And for the part on what I cycled, that shits mad old. I wrote that the day I signed up and I could care less to change it.