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Thread: What type of Test to start on 1st cycle? Pls advise

  1. #1

    What type of Test to start on 1st cycle? Pls advise

    Hello everyone

    I am 24 years old and have been training consistently for 5 years.
    Been dieting consistently for about 3 years now

    Wt is 175 lbs
    Ht 5'7

    I would like to start a first cycle on Test with the goal to add on quality lean mass while also trying to keep water retention in check

    Am currently considering

    -Test P
    100mg EOD for 8 weeks


    250mg E5D for 10 weeks

    I will be taking Proviron ED for the length of the cycle

    Planned 4 week PCT would be
    1st 2 weeks:Nolvadex 40mg ED
    Next 2 weeks:Nolvadex 20mg ED

    So bros can yall pls critique my planned cycle and offer suggestions of which Test to use for a Newbie

    Much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    bodyfat %?

    sust is a pain in the ass

    post cycle needs work

  3. #3
    add clomid to PCT 100/100/50/50 ED 4 weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Body fat percentage?

    Why not something like:

    week 1-10
    test e (500 mg ew)
    proviron (25 or 50 mg ed)

    week 13-16
    clomid 100/100/50/50 (ed)
    nolva 40/40/20/20 (ed)

    Just two shots (250 mg each) per week, and keeping an AI + HCG on hand during your entire cycle, you should have control of it.
    In any case, I advise you a blood work before and by the end of the bulking period in order to personalize your pct.

    Also, wait a few more years. You are too young, IMO.

  5. #5
    Thanks for all the advise bros
    Btw forgot to add in my earlier post that my bodyfat % is 12% currently

    Bro BJJ
    The reason why I planned for Test P or Sustanon instead of E was due to reports I read that Test P and Sus causes less water retention and slightly less severe sides than Test E.
    Is this really true?

    You mentioned about waiting slightly longer before going on cycle. What do you think would be the right age to start?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    with no disrespect to BJJ, I think ur age is good man.
    stats are good.

    problem with prop is that most of the time it hurts like a bitch when injected and has to be injected either ed or eod. there is some good painless prop but for a first time purchaser its a crapshoot as most of time they trust any source. plus its going into all virgin muscles...not good for injection pain
    if u get some crippling prop u will end ur cycle, and waste the money and most likely be turned off to roids.
    keep it simple man, just like BJJ said, run some test e, follow BJJ outline and u will be good to go..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Body fat percentage?

    Why not something like:

    week 1-10
    test e (500 mg ew)
    proviron (25 or 50 mg ed)

    week 13-16
    clomid 100/100/50/50 (ed)
    nolva 40/40/20/20 (ed)

    Just two shots (250 mg each) per week, and keeping an AI + HCG on hand during your entire cycle, you should have control of it.
    In any case, I advise you a blood work before and by the end of the bulking period in order to personalize your pct.

    Also, wait a few more years. You are too young, IMO.

    Almost exactly what I was going to recommend. I would also say wait a while. Get another 2-3 years of hard training under your belt and get to know your body and diet better.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Desinho View Post
    Hello everyone

    ... 24 years old ... training consistently for 5 years.
    Been dieting consistently ... 3 years ...

    Wt is 175 lbs
    Ht 5'7
    Quote Originally Posted by Desinho View Post
    bodyfat % is 12% ...

    You mentioned about waiting slightly longer before going on cycle. What do you think would be the right age to start?
    You probably did not reach yet your natural genetic limit, that is why you should wait a bit more keep training to achieve it. Then, you can think about aas.
    Even if your system could be probably already developed, unlikely I believe you are on your maximum muscular development.

    In my opinion, aas usage should be accomplished after 10 years of constant training and proper dieting and this leads you to 26/27 years old.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    with no disrespect to BJJ, I think ur age is good man.
    stats are good.

    problem with prop is that most of the time it hurts like a bitch when injected and has to be injected either ed or eod. there is some good painless prop but for a first time purchaser its a crapshoot as most of time they trust any source. plus its going into all virgin muscles...not good for injection pain
    if u get some crippling prop u will end ur cycle, and waste the money and most likely be turned off to roids.
    keep it simple man, just like BJJ said, run some test e, follow BJJ outline and u will be good to go..

    Hi bro Mooseman

    Firstly, thanks for the great valuable advice

    You mentioned about some good painless Test P. Currently, I only have Test P Edited and Sustanon (Organon) being offered to me.
    Do these brands fall under the painless prop that you mentioned?

    anywayz will go source for Test E just in case
    Last edited by Big; 12-02-2009 at 10:30 AM. Reason: UGL name

  10. #10
    Hi bros Gunslinger and BJJ

    Thanks for your recommendations.

    Would you recommend SARMs for my current age then as a bridge before doing an actual aas cycle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    edit that lab please for the test P
    no clue if its painless

  12. #12
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    bodyfat %?

    sust is a pain in the ass

    post cycle needs work
    i find sust much superior to test e

  13. #13
    I used Test P for my first ever cycle and I will be honest, it did not hurt to inject it or anything like that but a a few days after the first shot, through the end of the cycle, it was sore no doubt. I mean sometimes, I could barely bend my leg to get out of the car. However once I started jogging at the gym, I didn't even notice it. I tried massaging the area and I don't really know if that helped but some days I did not want to inject it. I did, but I tried to move out of the direct area that was sore. And if I laid in bed on my stomach, it hurt to roll on it and I could also feel that that leg was raised off the bed due to the swollenness. That was the only downfall of the Test P. Never tried anything else though. Just my .02

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by wHiP_kInG View Post
    I used Test P for my first ever cycle and I will be honest, it did not hurt to inject it or anything like that but a a few days after the first shot, through the end of the cycle, it was sore no doubt. I mean sometimes, I could barely bend my leg to get out of the car. However once I started jogging at the gym, I didn't even notice it. I tried massaging the area and I don't really know if that helped but some days I did not want to inject it. I did, but I tried to move out of the direct area that was sore. And if I laid in bed on my stomach, it hurt to roll on it and I could also feel that that leg was raised off the bed due to the swollenness. That was the only downfall of the Test P. Never tried anything else though. Just my .02
    So bro Whip King

    how were the anabolic effects of the Test P. Could you pls share your PCT and Test P cycle dosages?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I think a little more can be done with those stats first.

    You have to build your house before you can paint it - SwoleCat (RIP)

    But to answer your question, Test Prop. 100mg/EOD with a low dose AI and an oral for 8 weeks, 250ius HCG 2x week is all you need. Job done.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I think a little more can be done with those stats first.

    You have to build your house before you can paint it - SwoleCat (RIP)

    But to answer your question, Test Prop. 100mg/EOD with a low dose AI and an oral for 8 weeks, 250ius HCG 2x week is all you need. Job done.

    Ok tks alot bro

    So running Proviron with the cycle and keeping Nolva in hand should do right?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Upstate, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Body fat percentage?

    Why not something like:

    week 1-10
    test e (500 mg ew)
    proviron (25 or 50 mg ed)

    week 13-16
    clomid 100/100/50/50 (ed)
    nolva 40/40/20/20 (ed)

    Just two shots (250 mg each) per week, and keeping an AI + HCG on hand during your entire cycle, you should have control of it.
    In any case, I advise you a blood work before and by the end of the bulking period in order to personalize your pct.

    Also, wait a few more years. You are too young, IMO.
    Perfect answer.

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