26, 6ft, 200lb, <10%bf, 8 yrs lifting, 2nd cycle (1st tes E ad dbol)
I have a surplus of Deca and sust i would like to run for my 2nd cycle. My question is which method of doesing would you reccomend if i want to add quality muscle over time (avoiding water weight and sides as much as possible)...
500mg sust 12 weeks, 400mg deca 10 weeks
PCT+ 4 months off (time on = time off)
250mg sust 10 weeks, 200mg deca 8 weeks
10 WEEKS OFF(PCT included in time off)
250mg sust 10 weeks, 200mg deca 8 weeks
obviously the gain would be much more noticible on the higher dose. Also besides my prervious PCT (comid-nolva 100/50/50/50, 40/40/2020 +10000 ius HCG) what else would suggest i throw in???
any input would be great, thatnks!