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Thread: Best Cutting cycle for women?

  1. #1

    Question Best Cutting cycle for women?

    Hi guys ,need some help with a cutting cycle for the lady.
    She does not like the idea of needles and roids and the sides so what can you recommend?

    She started to gym this month and is following a reasonable eating plan but her bodyfat is high and I would like to get her something to help bring it down like clen or anavar but I am not sure

    Any advice welcome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    There is always diet and kardio. Is she doing kardio or a diet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs
    she's only been training for a month...she needs to consistantly train for awhile and build a good solid base before she considers using AAs or anything close to it...what are here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Women's body fat is naturally going to be quite a bit higher than a man's because of estrogen related fat and their higher levels of water retention among other things. A low body fat percentage for a woman not using steroids would be around 13%.

    Don't just put your woman on the juice or something as powerful as clen just because she's not that skinny yet! There's a simple reason: After she stops taking the stuff, she'll just get fat again! If she can't eat and train right, she can't stay skinny off the juice. Building good habits are much better for long term health.

    Tell her to do 45 minutes of cardio three times a week on an empty stomach in the morning, and to cut out sugar, candy, greasy foods, soft drinks, etc. out of her diet and replace them with vegetables, lean meat and fruits. Then take some measurements and I'm sure you'll start to see results within a month to six weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    this is just stupid.
    one month in the gym and u want to put her on aas.

    i really hope u are not the voice of reason in the house.
    tell her to fine tune her diet, the guys in the diet section are amazing.
    have her ass doing cardio.

    she needs to learn that u have to work for it, hard work is what will get her where she needs to be man.

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    FYI clen is not a steroid......and since you didnt know something as basic as this..then i dont think your in any position to be getting your lady on BOTH need to do a lot more research......

  7. #7
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    and i agree with what everyone else is saying aswell.....train cardio...

  8. #8

    Some advice

    I am 35 years old and I want to get back into shape. I was an amateur MMA fighter at one point and in really good shape. I'm not fat now but definitely lacking definition... I got soft! I had a cancer scare and was put on Paxil (over six months off now) and one of the side effects was weight gain. I gained about 35lbs on that shit! I have lost about 20lbs now I just have about 15-20 left to lose. In the past I took Clen and T3 when I was working out 4hrs a day and eating very clean. I don't want to go that route again. I just want to adjust my diet and lifestyle this time to get the results I need.
    I'm 5ft 1.5in and I weigh 135lbs.
    What is recommended as the best way to start hitting the gym again? Running, intervals, lifting or all of it? I'm on a very low carb diet at the moment as well. I am allergic to soy, dairy, gluten, wheat and I don't drink alcohol or eat sugar AT ALL. Any advice would be appreciated!

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