some expieriences on masteron people, what it did for you, how long you ran it, what bodyfat and weight was you when you ran it, what it did for you, what you ran along side it and so on, just doing abit of reading up on it and it seems interesting
some expieriences on masteron people, what it did for you, how long you ran it, what bodyfat and weight was you when you ran it, what it did for you, what you ran along side it and so on, just doing abit of reading up on it and it seems interesting
I did not lose any hair and was abut 16 percent bf and dropped down to around 13 with it...I love mast and it will be part of every cycle from here on out..
what dose and length did you run it and with what did you run it with
i ran it at 500mg ew for 10 weeks bro
I am back on it and running it at 700mg ew now and getting stronger by the day....great stuff, dont notice any or much side either ...
what else did you rin with it, iv heard it goes well with winny and test
Mast is pretty much useless unless you are 6% bodyfat and run it at minimum 700mg ew. I will never ever use it again.
So I guess that leaves me out too!!!!
I'm double that, damn!
I simply think that there are better molecules out there. It was fairly "ragey" for me with pretty good results along with test-e. It definintely makes a person confrontational.
I can't remember the dose, but it was medium and I foind out I could be using my money better. YMMV.
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