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Thread: i need help with anadrol !

  1. #1

    i need help with anadrol !

    ok.. i'm 21 years old, and i weigh 155 lbs. and i first used m1t when i was 16 years old. i noticed some explosive gains (like huge triceps, and huge biceps). and after that i quit working out and my muscles went back to normal size. ever since than whenever i work out my biceps and triceps, it never becomes sore like it used to be before i even tried steroids, and i dont experience muscle gains.

    i really want huge biceps and triceps, and i tried m1t when i was 18 and this year, but it doesnt affect my biceps and triceps anymore like it did- in the first cycle...

    is it possible that steroids have killed my muscle growth?? and i wont be able to build any more muscles (biceps, triceps)

    i am thinking about running a cycle of Anadrol next year. but could someone give me advice, like why doesnt my arm muscles get sore any more no matter how much i work out??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    liverpool, UK
    man you are ****ing yourself up
    go the diet section and learn how to eat
    juice isnt magic bro
    do not run anadrol next year
    you have so much to learn
    never mind your biceps and triceps developing you should try and develop your brain

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    an anadrol only cycle is crap! You need to do some major research. Let the search function be your friend

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by saad_164 View Post
    ok.. i'm 21 years old, and i weigh 155 lbs. and i first used m1t when i was 16 years old. i noticed some explosive gains (like huge triceps, and huge biceps). and after that i quit working out and my muscles went back to normal size. ever since than whenever i work out my biceps and triceps, it never becomes sore like it used to be before i even tried steroids, and i dont experience muscle gains.

    i really want huge biceps and triceps, and i tried m1t when i was 18 and this year, but it doesnt affect my biceps and triceps anymore like it did- in the first cycle...

    is it possible that steroids have killed my muscle growth?? and i wont be able to build any more muscles (biceps, triceps)

    i am thinking about running a cycle of Anadrol next year. but could someone give me advice, like why doesnt my arm muscles get sore any more no matter how much i work out??
    Bro just running a cycle of anadrol that just shows that you dont know what you r doing you never run just an oral cycle espically anadrol are u outta of your fu@#ing mind ur gonna to f$%
    k yourself up
    Quote Originally Posted by thebigfella View Post
    man you are ****ing yourself up
    go the diet section and learn how to eat
    juice isnt magic bro
    do not run anadrol next year
    you have so much to learn
    never mind your biceps and triceps developing you should try and develop your brain
    LOL in a better sense he should mature his brain a lil bit before he starts to f#$k around with the gear wtf are these kids thinking :
    Last edited by ArmedHammerd; 12-04-2009 at 09:22 PM.

  5. #5
    no guys, listen, i do have pct- 6-oxo

    my biggest mistake was doing m1t when i was 16-years old, becuz i was tricked into thinking it was a pro-hormone. and 2ndly i didnt have any pct that time.

    okk...i'm gonna take your advice and lay off the anadrol for couple of years..
    but i want to know why is it that my arm muscles dont get sore anymore?? no matter how much i workout. is it possible that my previous steroid use has damaged my muscle growth??
    Last edited by saad_164; 12-04-2009 at 09:30 PM.

  6. #6
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    m1t and anadrol?? 21? oh boy

  7. #7
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    Yourl still grow mate as they say theres nothing quit like your 1st hit, if you would of keept training you would of keept alot of your gainS

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saad_164 View Post
    i want to know why is it that my arm muscles dont get sore anymore?? no matter how much i workout. is it possible that my previous steroid use has damaged my muscle growth??
    head to the workout section and list your routine in detail.

  9. #9
    If you are hitting a plateau, then switch your training. Get enough clean calories, and if you're so inclined - find a good anadrol stack. That roid is hard to keep the gains, and is meant to be used in the beginning of mass cycles to kickstart a slower acting mass steroid.

  10. #10
    okk...there's something wrong, because yesterday i busted my ass working on my triceps....and yet i did not feel a single bit of sore..

    i read in an article, that once you start steroids at a young age- you will never reach your natural potential unless you do more roids. is that true??? becuz my world is about to end if it is.....

    i think i made a very bad decision of doing m1t at 16 yrs old.. i really regret it. but i just hope that didnt end my dreams of reaching my maximum potential..

  11. #11
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    I guess you can just disregard my advice and keep wondering and speculating as to what's wrong, to each their own.

  12. #12
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    Some people just won't listen to good advice....What can ya do?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by saad_164 View Post
    okk...there's something wrong, because yesterday i busted my ass working on my triceps....and yet i did not feel a single bit of sore..

    i read in an article, that once you start steroids at a young age- you will never reach your natural potential unless you do more roids. is that true??? becuz my world is about to end if it is.....

    i think i made a very bad decision of doing m1t at 16 yrs old.. i really regret it. but i just hope that didnt end my dreams of reaching my maximum potential..
    listen to big.

    get some ****ing bloodwork done.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I guess you can just disregard my advice and keep wondering and speculating as to what's wrong, to each their own.
    yea i went to the workout section and posted my new routine which i started few days ago. but one guy suggested i go to a doctor and get some blood testing done.. so i called and made an appointment for this saturday.

    man i'm telling you, i did chair dips, overhead extensions, kickbacks, and other tricep excercises till failure yesterday. but still i wasnt sore today.

    let me ask you this, is it possible that my steroid use has killed muscle growth in those areas where it doesnt get sore anymore ???

  15. #15
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    I often don't get sore. soreness is not the defining indicator of muscle growth. your routine looks poor, I'd fix that and check your diet while waiting on the bloodwork results. out of curiosity, what's your diet, in detail?

  16. #16
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by elitepeptides View Post
    If you are hitting a plateau, then switch your training. Get enough clean calories, and if you're so inclined - find a good anadrol stack. That roid is hard to keep the gains, and is meant to be used in the beginning of mass cycles to kickstart a slower acting mass steroid.
    y plank, he's a kid

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I often don't get sore. soreness is not the defining indicator of muscle growth. your routine looks poor, I'd fix that and check your diet while waiting on the bloodwork results. out of curiosity, what's your diet, in detail?
    well i eat 2-3 times a day = 1000 calories, and than i take weight gainer = 1500 calories... so anywhere between 2000-2500 calories a day..

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by saad_164 View Post
    well i eat 2-3 times a day = 1000 calories, and than i take weight gainer = 1500 calories... so anywhere between 2000-2500 calories a day..
    ouch, no wonder your stats are what they are. head to the diet section and start a thread, you'll never grow eating like that.

  19. #19
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    Yea definitely need to eat ALOT more... has your diet changed since your first cycle of m1t?

  20. #20
    ok...i got the results of my blood test :

    1) Total Testosterone- 5.92 - the doctor says its normal.
    2) Good Cholesterol- he says is low
    3) Liver Enzyme - he said one of the Liver enzyme was slightly high
    4) White/Red Blood Cell- he said was normal.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    lol u gonna look like a tard with just biceps and triceps wats ur routine?
    tue - Tri
    Wed- Bi

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    lol omg

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