Hey guys, I am looking at doing my second cycle in the near future but would like some of that specialist advice that is out there...
I am 27 years old, 195 lbs and about 12% BF. My first cycle was a 12 week Test E/Deca cycle with only Nolva for PCT. Put on about 20 lbs and kept about 12 lbs.
My main issue from my first cycle was the body acne - Shoulders and upper arms. It stayed around for a long time and I tried everything other than Accutane. I didn't suffer from acne prior to this cycle or as a teenager...
I finished my cycle about a year ago and I am ready for my second cycle. I am looking at doing a short cycle (about 4 weeks) for a couple of reasons - travel overseas with work often and I am trying to minimize the side effects before they get a chance to fully suppress natty test thus reduce chances of acne taking hold again.
I am looking at something like this:
Wk 1-4: Test P (short ester) 125mg EOD
Wk 1-4: D'bol 40mg ED
WK 1-4: Armidex 0.5 mg ED
Wk 5-8: Nolva 40/40/20/20 ED
Wk 5-10:Accutane 40mg ED
Wk 5-10: Aromasin 10mg ED
I realise I won't make huge gains such as a 12 week cycle but please let me know what you think....