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Thread: Short 2nd cycle, help please

  1. #1

    Question Short 2nd cycle, help please

    Hey guys, I am looking at doing my second cycle in the near future but would like some of that specialist advice that is out there...

    I am 27 years old, 195 lbs and about 12% BF. My first cycle was a 12 week Test E/Deca cycle with only Nolva for PCT. Put on about 20 lbs and kept about 12 lbs.
    My main issue from my first cycle was the body acne - Shoulders and upper arms. It stayed around for a long time and I tried everything other than Accutane. I didn't suffer from acne prior to this cycle or as a teenager...

    I finished my cycle about a year ago and I am ready for my second cycle. I am looking at doing a short cycle (about 4 weeks) for a couple of reasons - travel overseas with work often and I am trying to minimize the side effects before they get a chance to fully suppress natty test thus reduce chances of acne taking hold again.

    I am looking at something like this:

    Wk 1-4: Test P (short ester) 125mg EOD
    Wk 1-4: D'bol 40mg ED
    WK 1-4: Armidex 0.5 mg ED

    Wk 5-8: Nolva 40/40/20/20 ED
    Wk 5-10:Accutane 40mg ED
    Wk 5-10: Aromasin 10mg ED

    I realise I won't make huge gains such as a 12 week cycle but please let me know what you think....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    waist of time and money, four weeks, NO GO

    sorry bro but no way.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    waist of time and money, four weeks, NO GO

    sorry bro but no way.....

  4. #4
    Thanks, What would be the min time you think is 'worth it'??
    Keeping in mind I want to suppress the acne as much as poss...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Short cycles are frequently used but usually higher doses. 4 weeks is kinda short with those doses. Extend the test to 6 weeks and cut the Dbol out at the end of the 4th week. You'll make some gains, I know I would. You should be feeling that before the end of the first week.

  6. #6
    yeah thats one of the lightest cycles i've seen...but i think the main problem w/ it is throwing in the accutane in addition to d-bol both of which will put a lot of strain on ur liver, because that is more toxic than oral aas....if you go w/ this cycle make sure you follow liver enzymes(alt ast etc)
    my suggestion:
    delay the cycle for now, go on accutane as a prophylactic measure- the sebaceous glands will shrink and once you go on aas your chances of developing acne will be a lot lower-the reason its better to take it beforehand(if u re prone to acne vulgaris which i;m assuming u are)is you can avoid the scarring that could occur. u indicated that u didnt develop acne during adolescence yet i still think that u might be genetically disposed to acne due to androgen and corticosteroid levels in the upper range of normal values....

  7. #7
    Awesome info, your thoughts and comments are much appreciated.

    I will look to go on accutane as a preventative measure and delay the cycle as suggested.

    I am often out of the country with work etc so may have to find an 6+ week period where I will be home to get in a full cycle.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    waist of time and money, four weeks, NO GO

    sorry bro but no way.....



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Definitely a waste of time, money, and most of all shutting yourself down for more than likely no net gains .....

  10. #10
    Thanks guys, much appreciated

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