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Thread: pct help needed plz urgent?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    pct help needed plz urgent?

    i had done deca test cycle...
    200 mg deca and 500 mg test per week...
    now i am on pct,...50mg clomid per day ffrm last 12 days....but cannot see any increase in my libido or anything....
    can i use hcg injection and if yes then what could be the right dosage for it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    dude, you continualy dissregard all advise givin to you in all of your threads so why do you keep making them asking questions that you wont take any advise from? where not ready to cycle and where told that yet you did it anyways....why do you insist on ****ing yourself up?... i dont get it.....

  3. #3
    well i'm a newbie myself but i've done a lot of research, consulted an endo specialist etc...i don't think pct is supposed to directly remedy any libido problems that develop from aas use...i suspect 50mg is not much of a dose (i'm assuming you meant 50mg/day), you should probably up that to at least 100mg(perhaps more) pct (clomid/nolvadex) is geared to restore hpta...or rather, more precisely, it is to stop the inhibitory effects of excess estradiol due to aromatization of the test, serms taken at large enough dose will actually inhibit libido because estradiol (a certain level of it) is necessary for maintaining libido...serms aren't 'antiestrogens' in the true sense of the word, they selectively modulate estrogen receptors ,meaning they serve bot as ER antagonists and agonists...nolva if i'm not mistaken has er agonist in liver tissue, thereby positively contributing to circulating lipid levels...i'm assuming its effect on parasympathetic ns/erectile tissue is antagonistic and therefore won't remedy libido problems(it might even exacerbate them)...i think you should just ignore libido problems for the moment and don't cease pct, your libido will return when you eventually cease serms after pct is the meantime get your bloodwork done and check for lh fsh levels which will serve as an indicator as to whether hpta restoration is taking place or not...if they return low than you might consider hcg assuming you already have testicular atrophy if your testes are in good shape i would advise against hcg, because i've read many articles in scholarly journals pointing to a drastic desensitizing effect of hcg on leydig cells(cells in testes that produce test) if you decide to do hcg, make sure you only do small doses (don;t inject pregnyl 5000iu) because that will just delay hpta restoration and will cause a marked decrease in lh receptors in leydig cells that will persist for a week or two...if you decide to do hcg i will try to help you calculate the doses and inj frequency. it is very important to make sure hcg levels are identical to the lh levels that a healthy adult would have under normal more thing deca has a long half life due to the decanoate ester( same ester as the longest acting ester in sustanon) and what type of test did u use? you have to factor these into constructing a pct schedule...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by zunair View Post
    i had done deca test cycle...
    200 mg deca and 500 mg test per week...
    now i am on pct,...50mg clomid per day ffrm last 12 days....but cannot see any increase in my libido or anything....
    can i use hcg injection and if yes then what could be the right dosage for it
    YOu know bro I have read thru your posts and you have consistently ignored the advice members have given you. Why bother asking.? You may well have messed yourself up now. I hope not!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    no brother
    i have listened to all advices and i stopped the cycle as per advice in the sixth week and then ran a pct after 3 doing the same..
    but i need help to better my natural test production and libido...thats all...
    because i dont think clomid is enuff for it...

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