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bad sides: bad insomnia, bad headache, irratability
ok/good sides: increased appetite
haven't been to the gym yet to see if i'm any stronger.. not having a lot of sweating, or night sweats, so far (2 days in)
1cc Test Cyp every 6th Day
1/2-1cc Tren Ace? every other day
I know the Test dosage is a little low but I want to avoid gyno as I had a flareup at the end of my last cycle.
Nolvadex - 6 days after last Cyp injection. 40mg for a few days then 20
T-Bomb II - Bday Present. Will this interact with the nolvadex in a bad way? I'd like to incorporate it because it really helped bring my natural levels up and I know it works. let me know how you'd incorporate it please, its supposed to lower estrogen too so i'm curious about how it works with nolvadex. i'd also like to know if anyone has anything to say about bringing estrogen too low.. i've had good PCTs and bad ones.
Would you guys reccomend something like vitamin B6 to keep prolactin or progesterone levels lower? Im kind of clueless as to how Tren works but I know it doesnt cause estrogen related problems. So if I begin to get gyno and it's not from the test what chemical would I lower? prolactin or progesterone? I hear caber and bromo are the main thing used for Tren gyno but I dont think I have access to those so I'd like to go the preventative route whether it be lower dosages or vitamins/herbs..
I'm 24 and have been working out hard since 8th grade. I have never had the greatest diet though so I think all the hard training without eating much really stunted my growth.
5'10" 155lbs.
My first cycle was Deca/Dbol
Next was EQ
Then Test/Dbol
when I started I couldnt get past 140 for years, even eating steak and drinking shakes. I've been up to 165 but I lost a lot of my gains due to extremely stressful situations in my life.. Some really bad stuff happened for a consistent period of time and I spent a long time not eating very much and just drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Well anyways since i've started this cycle i've been eating every chance I get, lots of chicken and rice, beef, protein shakes, ***** 3s.. Im trying to do everything right so please cut me some slack about my weight. I already made some eggs this morning. I'm light but very muscular and strong for my weight and build. My max bench 185x5, deadlift 315x5, squat 275x1. my training schedule will be lots of compound lifts and 1 muscle group at a time. i've spent a long time just doing cardio (heavybag, jump rope) and circuit training.. its time to really focus all the energy into 1 area at a time and eat my ass off, put some solid mass on. then I can worry about getting shape again. this stuff is supposed to kill my cardio anyways
How many MGs equal 1 cc? I hear people talking about using 50mg of tren or 75mg.. i'd like to know how much i'm using. I filled it to 1/2 a cc the first injection 2 days ago, and today I did 3/4 a cc.
i apoligize for the thread being so unorganized.. if you have any questions or advice i'm all ears. im off to the gym now!!