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Thread: I'm on doc prescribed TRT at 175 mg of test cyp weekly and my estradiol is 112. WTF?

  1. #1

    I'm on doc prescribed TRT at 175 mg of test cyp weekly and my estradiol is 112. WTF?

    I'm on doc prescribed TRT (at 29 years old) at 175 mg injections of test cyp weekly. I just got some bloodwork back (I get my shots every Thurs afternoon, this draw was taken Thursday morning BEFORE my shot) and my test came out to be 949 ng/dL and my estradiol is 112 pg/mL (should be <=54 pg/mL). I'm also taking DHEA 50 mg daily (25 mg morning/25 mg evening) and NatureThroid 1/12 grain daily.

    Over the last 9 months my doc (a wellness doctor) has slowly been upping my test dosage (from weekly injections of 125 mg to 150 mg to 175 mg). And as my test ng/dL has been rising so has my estradiol pg/mL. He had me taking Indole Forte for a couple months. That didn't work and my estradiol raised. Than he had me taking Calcium D-Glucorate for a couple of months. That didn't work and my estradiol raised.

    Now this is my problem:

    Over the last 6 weeks I noticed something: my erections ARE WEAK AS HELL. I'm talking very small. I can't understand it because my sex drive is through the roof. And plus my testosterone is very high so I'm baffled. My doc says even though my test is high, my estrogen is also very high and that is what is keeping my erections from being real hard and stiff. He said my estradiol should be 40 pg/mL. I also asked if the DHEA (which I know can convert to test and ESPECIALLY estrogen in men) could be causing this. He said no way would DHEA be causing your estrogen to sky rocket like this.

    My solution was to add Arimidex to the mix (which I've been suggesting to him for months). His response: I do not prescribe that because of all the side effects. I will never prescribe you any anti estrogen other than Indole Forte, Calcium D-Glucorate, or Progesterone Creme. So I asked what do we do next? He said he will lower my test from 175 mg weekly to 125 mg weekly. I asked if that didn't work what do we do. He said we could than try a progesterone creme.

    He also mentioned maybe my ED problems are something more and I should maybe see a Urologist for some tests. I don't think that's the case because a couple months ago I was getting rock solid.

    I'm confused more than ever.

    A few questions:

    1. Even though my test is high, would my high estrogen be causing ED?

    2. Even though I'm taking no anti estrogens right now, would him lowering my test dosage from 175 mg to 125 mg weekly lower my estrogen to normal levels? How long will it take? Should I even have him go lower and only give me 100 mg of test a week?

    3. If all else fails, and I start taking the progesterone creme...would that work? Is progesterone creme an effective anti estrogen? How long will it take to work?

    4. How do you explain that my sex drive is through the roof but I can't get it up?

    5. I have a meeting with an endocrinologist Tuesday. I'm going to get a second opinion. Do endocrinologists presrcibe arimidex to men with my situation or am I wasting my time?

    A couple points:

    *Last year before I got on TRT my test was real low (206 ng/dL) and because of that I had ED. Since I got on TRT (until a couple months ago) I had NO ED PROBLEMS WHAT SO EVER.

    *For those of you who will suggest I go see another doctor, there is no other TRT doctor anywhere near where I live. He is the only one. And he vehemently will not prescribe Arimidex. I'm stuck with him.

    *I refuse to go black market to get AI's. That's not even an option.

    *My doc is not a primary doc, endocrinologist, or urologist. He is a progressive medicine/wellness doc who specializes in TRT.

    Someone please help me make sense of this.
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 12-06-2009 at 11:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy gunn View Post
    i'm on doc prescribed trt (at 29 years old) at 175 mg injections of test cyp weekly. I just got some bloodwork back and my test came out to be 949 ng/dl and my estradiol is 112 pg/ml (should be <=54 pg/ml). Wtf? I'm also taking dhea 50 mg daily (25 mg morning/25 mg evening) and naturethroid 1/12 grain daily.

    Over the last 9 months my doc (a wellness doctor) has slowly been upping my test dosage (from weekly injections of 125 mg to 150 mg to 175 mg). And as my test ng/dl has been rising so has my estradiol pg/ml. He had me taking indole forte for a couple months. That didn't work and my estradiol raised. Than he had me taking calcium d-glucorate for a couple of months. That didn't work and my estradiol raised.

    Now this is my problem:

    Over the last 6 weeks i noticed something: My erections are weak as hell. I'm talking very small. I can't understand it because my sex drive is through the roof. And plus my testosterone is very high so i'm baffled. My doc says even though my test is high, my estrogen is also very high and that is what is keeping my erections from being real hard and stiff. He said my estradiol should be 40 pg/ml. I also asked if the dhea (which i know can convert to test and especially estrogen in men) could be causing this. He said no way would dhea be causing your estrogen to sky rocket like this.

    My solution was to add arimidex or nolvadex to the mix (which i've been suggesting to him for months). His response: I do not prescribe those because of all the side effects. I will never prescribe you those. So i asked what do we do next? He said he will lower my test from 175 mg weekly to 125 mg weekly. I asked if that didn't work what do we do. He said we could than try a progesterone creme.

    He also mentioned maybe my ed problems are something more and i should maybe see a urologist for some tests. I don't think that's the case because a couple months ago i was getting rock solid.

    I'm confused more than ever.

    A few questions:

    1. Even though my test is high, would my high estrogen be causing ed? yes.

    2. Even though i'm taking no anti estrogens right now, would him lowering my test dosage from 175 mg to 125 mg weekly lower my estrogen to normal levels? How long will it take? Should i even have him go lower and only give me 100 mg of test a week? no

    3. If all else fails, and i start taking the progesterone creme...would that work? Is progesterone creme an effective anti estrogen? How long will it take to work?i would try caber.

    4. How do you explain that my sex drive is through the roof but i can't get it up?Prolactin/progestron issue.

    A couple points:

    *last year before i got on trt my test was real low (206 ng/dl) and because of that i had ed. Since i got on trt (until a couple months ago) i had no ed problems what so ever.

    *for those of you who will suggest i go see another doctor, there is no other trt doctor anywhere near where i live. He is the only one. And he vehemently will not prescribe arimidex or nolvadex. I'm stuck with him.

    *i refuse to go black market to get ai's. That's not even an option.

    Someone please help me make sense of this.


    Last edited by TITANIUM; 12-06-2009 at 12:23 AM.

  3. #3
    When you said 'no' did you mean 'no, lowering the dosage wont bring down your estrogen'?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gunn View Post
    When you said 'no' did you mean 'no, lowering the dosage wont bring down your estrogen'?

  5. #5
    I have a meeting with an endocrinologist Tuesday. I'm going to get a second opinion. Do endocrinologists presrcibe arimidex to men with my situation or am I wasting my time?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    you should be given a AI and i think the doctor is nuts for not giving you that , your estrogen is so furking high man and you need to lower it as soon as possible.

    all your problems are estrogen related in my opinion. once you lower your E2 everything will be back to normal.

  7. #7
    Here's what I'm going to do:

    I'm going to wait 7 weeks before I get my next labs. If after getting 125 mg test a week (down from 175 mg test week) my estradiol is still high, I will take Arimidex. I've read from Dr. John Crislers publishings that he reccommends between 0.25 and 0.5mg Arimidex every one to third day, depending upon the specific situation. Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take 0.5 every 3 days. For example, take 0.5 mg on Monday and than take 0.5 mg Thursday. And than take 0.5 mg on Sunday and than 0.5 mg on Wednesday, etc. I will do this for 5 weeks (Dr. Crisler says when starting Arimidex wait atleast 5 weeks before getting follow up labs). If my estradiol is still high I will than take 0.5 mg every 2 days for 5 weeks than get labs. If my estradiol is STILL high, I will than take 0.5 mg every day for 5 weeks and get labs. By than my estradiol should be under control.

    Meanwhile, my doc will be injecting me once weekly of 125 mg of test. I will also continue taking my Nature-throid 1 1/2 grain daily and 50 mg daily of DHEA (25 mg morning/25 mg evening). Also taking Nexium 40 mg daily and Lisinopril 40 mg daily.

    Is this a good plan of attack?
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 12-08-2009 at 05:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Guess what fellas? Today I went to see an endocrinologist and he agreed to take over my care. He has no problem with my testosterone being in the 900's but he said my estradiol is WAYYYYYYY too high (estradiol is currently 112) . He said if we lower the test dose to 125 mg a week and my estradiol is still high, he will preacribe me Arimidex at most likely 1 mg a day. He said phsyiologically it makes sense to use Arimidex because even though we will be using it off label, we NEED to get my estrdiol down.

    Today was a good day.

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