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Thread: Should I use test when I have high Chelestrol

  1. #1

    Should I use test when I have high Chelestrol

    Hey guys,

    From my dads side I have very high levels of bad chelestrol, I have used test on a few occassions about 5 years ago. Just wanted to get peoples opinion on this. I am guessing test will elevate this even more; whilst I'm on I will be on a very strict diet which should help....

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Last edited by HustlerBrah; 12-06-2009 at 04:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Sorry bro its not Ash

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    oh damn it!

    now i look like a goose haha.

    train up in melb buddy?

    and as for the elevated cholestrol levels, get your own levels tested before cycle, and a few weeks into cycle.

    genetics play a major factor but keep in mind that everyone reacts differently.

  5. #5
    Hey mate yeah train in Melbourne, used to be very much into it training with some of the old boys.... Tell you the truth I hav'nt trained for the last 4 years or so and my diet has been poor so I really need to get back into it....

    Back when I was on I loved it and reacted very well but that was when I was around 120kg and 9-10% bf now im 130kg and prob 20-25% bf lol and weak as f$%k.

    Will def be jumping on mate I'm hanging...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I have high cholesterol (250) but my triglycerides are off the charts (1200, normal 120). I'm on medication. I cycled sustanon no appreciable increase in triglycerides.

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