Hi im new to the forum, ill start off with my current stats. I am about 5"9 220lbs @ 15% body fat. I have done several cycles including test prop, tren ace, winstrol, eq, and test eth. My main goal is to improve my cosmetic appearance I am currently dieting to lower my body fat and obtain an overall leaner physique. Few of my partners who are well know established athletes in the body building world have had great success while cutting running Sus 250 1ml EOD while taking .5mg of ADEX EOD as well to keep water retention low. What do you guys think about this cycle? I will throw some tren ace and possibly switch the sus to prop after 8 weeks. I am eating a calorie reduced diet consisting of 6 meals spaced 3 hours apart. I keep my carbs somewhat on the lower side due to my natural body type. I am able to gain size very quickly but have trouble getting my abs to come in as I hold most of my BF in my abdomen. What are you suggestions and opinions? I am currently doing cardio 5 days a week for 30mins and taking the good old ECA stack as well...Thanks in advance guys...