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Thread: Finaplix-H pellets contain estrogen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Finaplix-H pellets contain estrogen?

    Was doing some reading and more research on Tren and it can be one of the more costly compounds from your UG labs. But a lot of guys are using the Fina pellets and converting them with the brew/kits.

    I'm not certain if many people do the same with the Test Propinate pellets as the cost of them appears to always be more than what you can get test for anyway. But looking at the chemicals in the Finaplix, most 10 pellet doses consist of 200mgs of Treblone and 20mg estradiol benzoate.

    I'm not sure if that is a significant amount of estrogen to cause any problems? I would assume it would though as typically men produce about 100mgs of test a week at a good level? If you were taking 600mgs of tren a week, you would also be taking 60mgs of Estrogen a week too...which would probably be what a woman's levels are at typically? I'm just speculating.

    But has anyone ran into problems with this? Maybe it's why some guys develop gyno from tren a nor19 and not deca? Also a nor19?

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
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    in the freaking cold
    i have had no issues - but if you pm me i can get you to a guy that will know

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yes it does have estrogen but with my personal experience its nothing to bad. I also know if you use the synovex for prop it has tones of estrogen in it but their is a method you can do to eliminate the estrogen in it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Go to the Lab section and do some reading, because when you do the conversion, through the process you can pull the Estro out and be just left with the raw compound. I don't know how exactly but this is not the right section for this question.

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Was doing some reading and more research on Tren and it can be one of the more costly compounds from your UG labs. But a lot of guys are using the Fina pellets and converting them with the brew/kits.

    I'm not certain if many people do the same with the Test Propinate pellets as the cost of them appears to always be more than what you can get test for anyway. But looking at the chemicals in the Finaplix, most 10 pellet doses consist of 200mgs of Treblone and 20mg estradiol benzoate.

    I'm not sure if that is a significant amount of estrogen to cause any problems? I would assume it would though as typically men produce about 100mgs of test a week at a good level? If you were taking 600mgs of tren a week, you would also be taking 60mgs of Estrogen a week too...which would probably be what a woman's levels are at typically? I'm just speculating.

    But has anyone ran into problems with this? Maybe it's why some guys develop gyno from tren a nor19 and not deca? Also a nor19?

    Check it out:
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 12-06-2009 at 09:19 PM.

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