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Thread: test prop/ tren a pct questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    test prop/ tren a pct questions

    i plan on doing an 8 week cycle of test prop/tren a in the near future

    its 75mgs tren a everyday ( its converted fina pellets)
    110 mgs prop eod

    the first 7 weeks are hcg at 300 iu every 3 days, a week off, then nolva at 40/40/20/20 over 4 weeks

    is there anything i should use on cycle for tren gyno (prolactin buildup) or gyno from test? ive heard fina pellets have estrogen in them.

    stats- im 23yrs old, 6' 1' . i weighed 243 this morning at about 17-20% BF

    ive only taken pro hormones at this point so i guess this is my first real cycle

    my diet and health supps are sound but gyno and natural test restoration worrrey me

    is there anything i whould add to my pct

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Are you gyno prone?

    Since this will be your first cycle i don't recommend tren at all.

    Just do the test and you should be fine. Tren comes later.....Plus, you want to see how you react to test first. Tren's a crazy compound man.

  3. #3
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    i would do a test only cycle first, but i have the tren converted already (have since mid november), and im not looking to waste it. i dont want to use it for my second cycle as im not sure when that would be and i dont want the tren to expire on me

  4. #4
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    It won't expire. Keep it in your closet and you're fine. Plus, you'll know if it does by looking at it. And if it does, buy some more. It's cheap as hell. I love tren and i have 8 tren cycles under my belt, but trust me man, just do the test. You'll be fine. Can we get some more stats?
    Training Experience
    And what are your goals?
    Do you have your diet in check?

  5. #5
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    Nov 2009
    i gave some of my stats up there in my first post. ive been trainingg for 4 years, 2 of which i would consider serious training.

    i do have a good diet. pretty much the dave palumbo bulk diet but with dairy incorporated.

    my goals arent to get into contest shape. i dont want to be 6% BF and extremely cut up. im just addicted to lifting, im in school to be an exercise physiologist and want to be big and more cut than i am now.

    i want to try tren, as i want to bulk and cut a little, or even just maintain my BF. i used to be very overweight, so i gain fatmass fast when im bulking even with great diet

  6. #6
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You can bulk and cut on test man. Don't need tren for that i assure you. This lies in your diet! I saw the few stats you posted.....What's your height and weight?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I'm sorry. i see it now.

  8. #8
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    6'1 and 243? W/ 20% bodyfat? Hell, that's pretty good imo. Drop the bf some and i don't see what the problem is. If you're really wanting to bulk do the test!!! Tren kills some peoples appetite.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmoe5067 View Post
    i plan on doing an 8 week cycle of test prop/tren a in the near future

    its 75mgs tren a everyday ( its converted fina pellets)
    110 mgs prop eod

    the first 7 weeks are hcg at 300 iu every 3 days, a week off, then nolva at 40/40/20/20 over 4 weeks

    is there anything i should use on cycle for tren gyno (prolactin buildup) or gyno from test? ive heard fina pellets have estrogen in them.

    stats- im 23yrs old, 6' 1' . i weighed 243 this morning at about 17-20% BF

    ive only taken pro hormones at this point so i guess this is my first real cycle

    my diet and health supps are sound but gyno and natural test restoration worrrey me

    is there anything i whould add to my pct
    you'll need clomid also even if running hcg during cycle.

    caber/bromo for prolactin based gyno.

    gyno worries everybody, so does shut down. running hcg will help, and having bromo/caber, and clomid as always smart choices.

    your bodyfat might be a bit high. some will say you need to be 15% or lower or you might experience more estrogenic side effects.

    your running 525mg tren a, and only 330mg test p a week? you might want to bump up the test p (thoughts?) to match mg of tren each week.

    you should be fine on the hcg 250x2/week instead of e3d.

  10. #10
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I agree...If you must run the tren, up the test.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    thanks for your input, i think i may just run the test and see how that pans out, and then depending on how that works out, maybe ill get myself everything i need for a proper test/tren cycle

  12. #12
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    For your first cycle this is dumb, so if you develop sides how do you know if it's from tren or prop?
    If you are going to run it I would recommend I would keep my test levels lower then tren. You're looking to get the most out of tren and you take test to maintain your test levels and not shut down. You can get some amazing beneifits with having your test at 350mg (50mg ed) and your tren at 525mg (75mg ed).
    Plus your tren will not expire, save it for you next cycle if not your 3rd or 4th cycle.
    Make sure your diet is in check, this will make a huge difference!!!!!

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Everything your doing is just wrong,

    stop being silly and get doing some hardwork in the cardio department and re-design your diet because it needs it, your BF is way to high and your to young, wait at least another year and in the mean time drop your bf naturally by hardwork.

  14. #14
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    On this site...
    These guys are right. You need to start with Test only so you can learn how your body reacts to Test first. Then you can add to that.

    Nolva & Clomid for PCT.

  15. #15
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    some of you are just clueless, i do cardio 3 times a week. i can drop fat really fast. my diet is near flawless most of the time. i have a specific diet i follow and log everything into fitday.

    before i started my last bulk session in september i was around 14-16% bf, but because throughout my life up until 4 years ago i was a flabby weak 310LBs with little muscle. i have much more fat cells than most of you because of my previous obesity and am prone to gaining weight extremly fast in comparison to the general population

    every time i bulk even on a clean diet (i almost always use the dave palumbo diets but with dairy) i put on a ton of weight soly in my mid section.

  16. #16
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    Since you think we are clueless I will no longer provide you any assistance in any thread, you are the one at 16% bf and you're calling us clueless...

  17. #17
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    Tren is a very tricky compound bro.

    It has to be ran right or not at all.

    I would seriously run a test only cycle.

    Forget the tren bro, we are telling you this to help you, not put you down.

    Please listen to us. And stop getting defensive.

    These are Vets and HOF'ers here.

    When they give advice, I would choose to listen.

    What they are saying is the truth, and I agree with them.

    Hope you listen and reconsider your plans.



  18. #18
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    you shouldnt run anything if your bodyfat is as high as 17-20%

  19. #19
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    rana, i am not calling you clueless. im talking to the people telling me that my diet is shit and that i am slacking in cardio, both of which im not.

    you are one of the few people on here that ever says facts in a thread as opposed to a generic opinion based on god knows what.

    i swear though, some of you dont even read more than the first line of peoples posts when you comment.

    i appreciate the info on aas use, not people telling me to put them down and just focus on my diet and cardio, which are perfect anyway. im not trying to be defensive but posts like "Everything your doing is just wrong,

    stop being silly and get doing some hardwork in the cardio department and re-design your diet because it needs it, your BF is way to high and your to young, wait at least another year and in the mean time drop your bf naturally by hardwork. " dont make it easy to get annoyed quickly.

    and its finals week. ive slept 4 hours a night the last 4-5 days and lived in a library. im edgy and moody beyond what words can explain

    and i am only going to run the prop for now

  20. #20
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    and in a sense rana, to be fair, you are all clueless to my situation. none of yo were morbidly obese before you starting training. and none of you know what its like trying to build muscle and shed fat with not just more fat mass, but with many more fat cells.

    just because i dropped from 35% BF to what i am at now doesnt mean i lost the extra fat cells i created. those extra fat cells making the whole bulk>cut>bulk>cut cycle so much harder when your body adds fat much faster than most people

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmoe5067 View Post
    rana, i am not calling you clueless. im talking to the people telling me that my diet is shit and that i am slacking in cardio, both of which im not.

    you are one of the few people on here that ever says facts in a thread as opposed to a generic opinion based on god knows what.

    i swear though, some of you dont even read more than the first line of peoples posts when you comment.

    i appreciate the info on aas use, not people telling me to put them down and just focus on my diet and cardio, which are perfect anyway. im not trying to be defensive but posts like "Everything your doing is just wrong,

    stop being silly and get doing some hardwork in the cardio department and re-design your diet because it needs it, your BF is way to high and your to young, wait at least another year and in the mean time drop your bf naturally by hardwork. " dont make it easy to get annoyed quickly.

    and its finals week. ive slept 4 hours a night the last 4-5 days and lived in a library. im edgy and moody beyond what words can explain

    and i am only going to run the prop for now
    I think by saying a statement that we are all clueless is a very broad, at no time in this thread (Unless I missed it) did you state that you were obese.

    I have not seen your diet, but I can tell you the truth a few years back I have felt that my diet was spot on then I had a couple of vets make small adjustments and my gains were amazing.

    See how prop works for you and keep us posted but like I said post your diet and we can look at it, not to flame but to assist.

  22. #22
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    im supposed to do this
    MEAL 1:
    6 whole *****-3 eggs with 1 cup of oatmeal
    MEAL 2:
    Meal Replacement SHAKE with a liquid carbohydrate drink (such as GATORAIDE or ULTRAFUEL)
    MEAL 3:
    ? pound (8oz) of chicken (or turkey or filet of sole or shrimp) with ? cup nuts (almonds, cashews, or walnuts) with 1 cup RICE
    MEAL 4:
    Same as MEAL 2
    MEAL 5:
    ? pound (8oz) of red meat (or salmon or swordfish) with a salad with 2 tablespoon of olive or macadamia nut oil and vinegar with 1 baked potato and/or yam
    MEAL 6: Same as MEAL 3
    MEAL 7: Same as MEAL 2
    MEAL 8: 6 whole *****-3 eggs with1 cup grits "

    but mines more like this
    meal 1 - 4 eggs scrambled with 1 slice low fat cheese, 1 cup organic skim milk, 1 cup oatmeal (w/ 1tbsp coconut oil)
    meal 2- 2 scoops whey in water, peanut butter and jelly sandwhich (3tbsp natty pb and organic rasp. jam), sometimes a tuna sandwhich instead of pb&j
    meal 3 - same as meal 2
    meal 4- 8 oz piece of chicken with 1 cup whole grain rice, 2 oz peanuts(raw)
    meal 5 same as meal 2
    meal 6 - same meal 2
    meal 7- 8oz salmon/beef patty (90%lean)/steak, 1 cup romaine lettuce with italian dressing, 1.5 cups of whole rotini in low sugar sauce with light parmesan
    meal 8- sometimes ommited, or just 1 scoop whey in water, tuna sandwhich on wheat

    im not guna lie though, when i take my gf out to eat, i slack really bad, but that like twice every 3 weeks

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    alright, so im just doing prop, i have 3000mg for 8 weeks. im saving my tren for my next cycle (looking to be in late august, i figure i do this cycle from january til end of feb, cut all spring and maintain through summer)

    but now i have new questions, i have 5000iu of Hcg, clomid, nolva, and bromo for my serms and pct. what is actually necesarry for this cycle.

    should i just do nolva as pct at 40/40/20/20, and HCG maybe from weeks 4-7? i know i dont need my bromo now, but im not sure about the clomid

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Sorry bigmoe, but your diet needs a lot of work. I know you don't like hearing it but if you're going to cycle you need a lot of adjustments

  25. #25
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    what should i tweak? my macros are pretty on point when i log everything in and my cals are right where i need them to be. i eat all organic and am consistent, but im very open to suggestions

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I just PM'd you

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