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  1. #1
    cvictorg is offline New Member
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    Effects of Pharmacological Doses of Nandrolone Decanoate

    Effects of Pharmacological Doses of Nandrolone Decanoate and Progressive Resistance Training in Immunodeficient Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

    Subjects were randomized to nandrolone alone or nandrolone plus PRT. The study design did not include a no treatment or placebo control group. The first dose of nandrolone was 200 mg, and the second dose was 400 mg. The dose was 600 mg for weeks 3–12. This dose was based on discussions with a number of body builders and our goal to study a relatively "high end" dose (but not maximum) commonly used for large anabolic effects and expected to be well tolerated in 60- to 70-kg men. Doses were reduced gradually during weeks 13–16 (400, 200, 100, and 50 mg, respectively) to withdraw patients from pharmacological doses.

    Nandrolone decanoate was selected for the possibility that it might be better tolerated than testosterone . Nandrolone is not appreciably aromatized to estrogen (43, 44) and is believed to be associated with less breast engorgement and other androgenic effects that may occur with high doses of testosterone. In fact, nandrolone appeared to be well tolerated in our study. The only common adverse effect was the self-reported testicular shrinkage that would be expected with high doses of androgens suppressing LH and FSH secretion. There were small, but significant, increases in serum hemoglobin of 1.0 and 1.4 g/dL in the two respective treatment groups, but the clinical relevance of this change is uncertain. There was also an approximately 1.5-fold increase in ALT in both groups, which reached statistical significance in the nandrolone only group. There was no clinical evidence of hepatitis, suggesting that these small increases may have been due to the im injections. Of importance, total cholesterol and triglycerides did not increase during the 12 weeks of study therapy. There was actually a significant decrease in total cholesterol documented in the nandrolone only group. However, this does not preclude the possibility that there was a decrease in the high density lipoprotein or an increase in the low density lipoprotein fractions of cholesterol. Although the high doses of nandrolone used in this study did not result in serious adverse events, the safety of such regimens should be confirmed in larger studies, and the risks of longer therapy are uncertain.

    "The only common adverse effect was the self-reported testicular shrinkage that would be expected with high doses of androgens suppressing LH and FSH secretion."

    This would be the reason to use HMG during this cycle?

  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Nice,, i wish they had before/after test levels shown

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