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Thread: backloading a cycle?

  1. #1
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    backloading a cycle?

    Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone has every ran like a test only cycle for 12 weeks but instead of starting at the start with dbol or anadrol actually put dbol or andadrol in for the last 4 weeks to finish the cycle strong?

  2. #2
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    yes it has been mentioned for long esters. while they are dropping pre-pct to run dbol as a bridge to pct.

    or you could run dbol as a front load and back load.

    in regards to how it feels couldnt say, would need a better opinion.

  3. #3
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    you could but a better option would be a diffrent oral than the traditional kickstarters,, maybe winny or var
    guess it depends on your goals

  4. #4
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    I am planning on doing it. Here is the reason. After using a long-acting ester, you need to wait for it to deminish before you start pct. So that means you start pct 2 weeks after your last shot. Well, it may seem logical to use something with a short halflife to keep your anabolic levels up... that way you are not just dying off before pct. So if you start dbol 4 weeks before pct, it should kick in around the time of your last test e shot. Then you ride the dbol for 2 more weeks, until your pct. You can start pct the same day as dbol, since the halflife of dbol is roughly 6 hours.

    I have never done this, and have no experience in this, but it seems like a good idea

  5. #5
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    I was actually planning on running tbol at the end, since I am running dbol now

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    you could but a better option would be a diffrent oral than the traditional kickstarters,, maybe winny or var
    guess it depends on your goals
    just curious. why run seperate compound from front load?

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrutah View Post
    Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone has every ran like a test only cycle for 12 weeks but instead of starting at the start with dbol or anadrol actually put dbol or andadrol in for the last 4 weeks to finish the cycle strong?
    Yes its common practise to backload, alot of people get great results dropping an oral in the last 4 wks of a cycle....Its also great to start the oral on wk 4 or 5 when the test is kicking at full value, there are many ways to run orals during a cycle, try them all see which one you prefer.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    just curious. why run seperate compound from front load?
    well most people wouldnt want to get that bloat at the end of a cycle. Not saying you will but most people would rather run a compound that doesnt have a tendency to do that.

  9. #9
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    Couldn't this make your PCT feel even more rough since the Dbol will make you retain water so you'll have to watch the scale drop off even more, or does backloading not have the retention problem.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for such quick responses im going into week for of 500 mg of test cyp so I was wondering how to end with a bang. but you guys wouldn't suggest anadrol? it seems people would suggest something like winstrol? is 4 weeks enough for winstrol or anavar, I just figure that winny and anavar are better cutters so I thought finishing with a bulker like anadrol would put on more size before I start cutting. But I wouldn't mind anavar or winstrol either.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    Couldn't this make your PCT feel even more rough since the Dbol will make you retain water so you'll have to watch the scale drop off even more, or does backloading not have the retention problem.
    What bearing would that have on pct? The bloat goes away after dbol is ceased. I mean... who wants to stay bloated after pct?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Back loading is another protocol of implementing an oral to a cycle, you shouldnt be having any serious bloating issues with any oral if you know how to control them, this comes with experience and time.

    For me ive found backloading to be really beneficial, the strength lag it produces during PCT is great, like ive said before adding the oral during wk 4 or 5 is another great way for hitting the cycle running, there are many ways and i say try them all see what works best,

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrutah View Post
    Thanks for such quick responses im going into week for of 500 mg of test cyp so I was wondering how to end with a bang. but you guys wouldn't suggest anadrol? it seems people would suggest something like winstrol? is 4 weeks enough for winstrol or anavar, I just figure that winny and anavar are better cutters so I thought finishing with a bulker like anadrol would put on more size before I start cutting. But I wouldn't mind anavar or winstrol either.
    well if you want more size go with the adrol,, if thats u in the avy im sure you wont have any prb sheddin the weight

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    What bearing would that have on pct? The bloat goes away after dbol is ceased. I mean... who wants to stay bloated after pct?
    it would have none, I'm saying for alot of guys watching the weight drop even more on PCT when they're losing water would be a mental roadblock.

  15. #15
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    Yeah but when the bloat starts going away and they start seeing vascularity it might be a motivator. I believe you should go into pct strong.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolStarta View Post
    it would have none, I'm saying for alot of guys watching the weight drop even more on PCT when they're losing water would be a mental roadblock.
    Your not fully understanding how back loading works, when you stop dbol/drol the water what you have been holding ( if any) doesnt just drop out of you within a day or so, it takes a couple of weeks for the strength and water to fully drain out of the muscles, those days can help when you in PCT plus other added benefits,,,,,i am not saying its wonderfull or any better than front loading or middle loading what I am saying is try it and see how it works, some guys swear by it

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your not fully understanding how back loading works, when you stop dbol/drol the water what you have been holding ( if any) doesnt just drop out of you within a day or so, it takes a couple of weeks for the strength and water to fully drain out of the muscles, those days can help when you in PCT plus other added benefits,,,,,i am not saying its wonderfull or any better than front loading or middle loading what I am saying is try it and see how it works, some guys swear by it
    ah, thanks man.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by mrutah View Post
    Thanks for such quick responses im going into week for of 500 mg of test cyp so I was wondering how to end with a bang. but you guys wouldn't suggest anadrol? it seems people would suggest something like winstrol? is 4 weeks enough for winstrol or anavar, I just figure that winny and anavar are better cutters so I thought finishing with a bulker like anadrol would put on more size before I start cutting. But I wouldn't mind anavar or winstrol either.
    if your running test for 10 weeks id run var @50mgs from week 6-12 youll love it !!!!! if its 12 weeks run it from 8-14 then 3 days later start your pct

    this is what id do good luck , yeah if your looking to cut after this you dont wanna end with a big watery bloat look gonna make cut all the more harder and unpleasant than they already are again good luck

  19. #19
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    Thanks for the reply man, so you would suggest var, I had been looking alot into winny as well. Out of those two what would be the best to finish the cycle with the most mass? I hear they are both sorta cutters but anavar is more of a cutter than winstrol.

  20. #20
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    man i think u should go with some halotestin. begin and finish as strong as possible.

  21. #21
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    alright guys I decided I would post a few pics my avi is when I was cutting for a show now I have gained some weight and hopefully some is water i know most is probably just fat but I have always went with the theory that you will gain some fat with muscle. This is why I decided to step back from the gainers and go with anavar the last six weeks, don't make fun of my pics to much.
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  22. #22
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    Massive man, your delts sit really high.

  23. #23
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    I don't even know if the test has kicked in yet I have been on 500 mg of test for 4 weeks this wednesday but I have put on some weight, and strength but most people say they don't get the full effect till week five so im not sure yet.

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