Sounds like Ive found my man, the vitruvian man!

Really glad Da vinci painted you :P
Now for your questions..
He has used the same amount of test the whole time. 750mg of test cyp for approx 3 months and test e for approx four months.
Ok. Tell him to get blood-work done. That is a hell of a long time to be blasting for.
Ha has been using hcg for at least 2 weeks i think and dosages around 500-1000iu every other day, but he has stopped that now.
He needs to buy some more HCG and start running it.
He says his testes has shrunked marginaly. I personally think this means that they have shrunk, but not enough to scare him.
Ok. Well if he is concerned about bringing them back to normal size then he should start HCG therapy again. If not he can begin his PCT once the test-cyp ester clears his system.
If i might ask u a question (vitruvian man) why does he need arimidex if he is supposed to use hcg for some time, and if it is because the rise of estrogen that hcg might cause, why isnt nolvadex enough??
He needs the a-dex if he is going to be using HCG during his PCT. a-dex eliminates ~83% of estrogen in the body. nolvadex blocks estrogen from entering breat tissue receptors. They are two completely different functions.
Could I send u a personal message later maybe?
Tnx in advance!