so i injected sunday and my quad hurts beyond belief. my leg is swollen and is extremly hard to walk on. and no its not red, warm, or itchy. what now? i have had something like this before but nowhere near as painful and before it went away.
so i injected sunday and my quad hurts beyond belief. my leg is swollen and is extremly hard to walk on. and no its not red, warm, or itchy. what now? i have had something like this before but nowhere near as painful and before it went away.
what compound?
what type of product did you inject, this is typically associated with a sustanon, prop, or omnadren product. exactly how did you determine where to inject, what size needle did you use and at what angle? did you shave the area you injected, and then wipe with alcohol?
now a little splotchy. still not warm or itchy. it was test E, 500mg, 23 gauge, 90 degree angle, alchol wiped b4 and after.
Have you injected that exact product before?
neva had tht wit test e, found it pain free, with sust yes sometimes. any other injects of it been painfull?
yea i am about 5 weeks in, but the first from a new vial
could have nicked a nerve, ive done this in my bicep and my arm was dead for three and a bit days
maybe i am a b***ch but this hurts so bad. i cant really walk.
so today pretty much my whole quad is read and swollen. if this is an infection what should be my next step?
Get to a doctor asap
I just went threw this with my buddy. The exact same thing. Get on antibiotics asap and you wont need to drain or operate.
yea, i have had an abcess on my back, not from roids, and there doesnt seem to be an abcess. just red, swollen and unbelievably painful.
well guys i have an update. i went to the doctor and was goin to be honest and just say i was using steroids which is why i was giving myself an injection, but the nurse lady got kind of sketchy on me so i flipped my words around so she thought i was injecting B12. the doctor comes in and ask me why i was injecting B12 and what not, looks at my quad and tells me it is severly infected. he gave me an antibiotic, and said if it does turn into an abcess it is goin to be bad enough that i will probably have to be hospitalized. he said anything can happen right now so only time will tell. this was not how i was planning my first injectable cycle to turn out. wish me luck, because rite now im preying on this antibiotic.
You shoulda went earlier man, but glad you got it taken care of. If it doesn't go down in 2 days w/ minimal redness, I worry.
Don't use that test again and find yourself a new source.....
You must have injected at the side of your quad. Its happened to me before and it went away 4-5 days. Now i inject more towards the front of the quad where its meatier and have never felt that horrible pain again.
nah im def done with the injecting thing for a while. plus i went to the doctor today and took the shot last sunday, i was givin it time to see if i hit the incorrect spot or not. but nonetheless thanks guys.
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