Whats up all. Ive done a good number of cycles. Ive gotten as big and strong as i ever wanted, and i am no longer interested in pure mass. I am now interested in overall athletic ability - the combination of strength, speed, endurance, and flexibilty.
I weigh 185, maybe 9-10% bf, visible 6 pack. Im 23. I have always dosed modestly, simply cuz the more you use, the more you lose.
I have about 25 ml of test prop. Its ghetto, a regular blend with a bunch of higher dosed stuff that was beginning to crash, so it got mixed in to prevent further crashing. I'd say it around 150- 175 mg/ml. I also have one bottle of e-stane, and one bottle of s-drol. Call them what you want, they are fvcking effective orals that i have used many times.
My question is, should i do one big cycle, or split it into two? I have never done a cycle under 10 weeks.
Basically, id do about 450mg/wk test prop for 8 weeks with the estane and sdrol to kick it. As for combining them, ive done it before, my bloodwork was nothing crazy.
i could do two small cycles, both would be ABOUT 300 mg/wk test for 6 week, with s-drol to kick one cycle, and the e-stane for the other.
I have never done a short cycle, and have no idea how effective they are. Im not looking to get huge, this is a cutter either way. So, which would you do? Is 6 weeks even worth it?
and yes, perhaps i could get this big naturally, and i have before, but having anabolics in my system brings my workout to a whole new level, i become a machine, and i love it. My job is very physical, too, so its hard to work out after a day of laboring in 100 degree weather.