I am currently on my 8th week of my 12 weeks cycle of 450mg TEST and 250mg of DECA a week.
I am 23 years old 5'9 b4 starting my cycle i was 157 lbs and 8%bf now i am 183 pounds and 14% bf and got 4 weeks on injections left.
After my bulking cycle is done i want to cut down and i was thinking about doing it naturally or if i should i take some stuff? My goal when i cut is to get a to around 6%bf (which i think i can do naturally) and also be very vainy, i love the looks of the veins popping out everywhere , so i since even before my cycle and for my whole life i was never a vainy person i was wondering if some steroids will help me get vainy.
So basically my question is this, in order to meet both of my goals of being around 6%bf while getting very vainy, whats my best option naturally or steroids? Also i am planning another bulking cycle sometime in june or july
Please suggest
thanks in advance
ok no dis respect to anyone on this sight but when i post a question i would really appreciate if thats all you guys gave your opinions on i dont want to hear shit about me being too young to cyle because i heard that shit millions on times already and did it anyway now please if you dont mind just stick to the question and give me an honest answer without the negative criticism.