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Thread: Acne problems, lowering testosterone for second cycle?

  1. #1

    Acne problems, lowering testosterone for second cycle?

    So basicly I'm ending the PCT on my first cycle this month, and I'm already planing my second cycle to be launched in some months.

    My first cycle I ran 30mg dbol w1-4 and 500mg test e w1-11
    The thing is, I had some really bad acne problems. My back looked crazy and I kept getting more in my face/neck/chest. I'm not sure if this was due to the dbol or test e, even though the back acne cooled down after I ended my dbol, but my neck acne evolved a bit more. And now I'm clearing up again.

    I really don't want to have problems like that again, and for my second cycle I'm thinking test p and winstrol. So my question is that is it possible for me to just do low test p (like 200mg/w) and even it out with the winstrol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    If you're going to Prop it should be done everyday or every other day for ultimate results...Not sure i like that combo...what are your goals?? did you do on the first cycle besides all the acne??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I break out pretty easy and keeping hormones consistent helps. If I missed my injections, I break out worse by the next day.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    If you're going to Prop it should be done everyday or every other day for ultimate results...Not sure i like that combo...what are your goals?? did you do on the first cycle besides all the acne??
    Whats wrong with that combo? Then I can just inject the win and test at the same time?

    My first cycle went great, I'm really happy. I went from 183 lbs to 215 lbs at max, now soon 3 weeks into the pct I'm down to 202 lbs and bloat have cooled down (will for sure add arimidex next time). My goal of this cycle is to harden up and lose some bodyfat.

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