So basicly I'm ending the PCT on my first cycle this month, and I'm already planing my second cycle to be launched in some months.
My first cycle I ran 30mg dbol w1-4 and 500mg test e w1-11
The thing is, I had some really bad acne problems. My back looked crazy and I kept getting more in my face/neck/chest. I'm not sure if this was due to the dbol or test e, even though the back acne cooled down after I ended my dbol, but my neck acne evolved a bit more. And now I'm clearing up again.
I really don't want to have problems like that again, and for my second cycle I'm thinking test p and winstrol. So my question is that is it possible for me to just do low test p (like 200mg/w) and even it out with the winstrol?