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  1. #1
    LVMYASS's Avatar
    LVMYASS is offline New Member
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    Question tri tren cycle ?

    Im planning on running a tri tren cycle with masteron and proviron .Im 6'2 205lbs 10% bf.

    Ive used Deca ,Winny,Sust 250,IGF,Omnadren but never trenbolone .
    I know I have to start with a short ester since its my first cycle but Im gonna do it in low doses for the PCT i have HCG and aromasin ,I have some nolva and some arimidex too.

    Any suggestions how should I design the whole cycle?

    Any help would be much appriciated

  2. #2
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    have you used test before?

    im confused on said statement, "but im gonna do it in low doses for the pct".

  3. #3
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Age? You are running test,right?

  4. #4
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Get some test in this and we can help you with putting it together!

  5. #5
    LVMYASS's Avatar
    LVMYASS is offline New Member
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    Thanks for replying.Ok here is the deal:I was planning on doing a really advanced cycle at first:Tri Tren 150 & Test 350(175mg Enanthate & 175mg Cypionate )for 8-10 weeks and I was thinking of including Masteron 200 at week 5(for may be 4-5 weeks)and Winstrol til the end at 50mg ED.So I have all these stuff now + Proviron and the PCT(HCG ,Aromasin ,Nolva,AX).Im also expecting some IGF LR-3 and some Peg MGF.I only used test once before(sust250)with a IGF and Winny combo and the results were amazing.I wanna do a lighter cycle now than what I was planning in the begining.I wanna use may be only 2 kindes(so I was thinking Tren & Masteron) for this one.I am 28 years old and my goal is to get really as ripped as possible.So obviously I dont wanna gain too much weight.My diet is perfect,my cardio is good,I play sports too.please help me design a cycle(now knowing what I have on hand)that would reach my goal.Thanks a lot for ur help

  6. #6
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    After doing more research and putting my hands on the products that i was missing for a comlete Tri Tren cutting cycle,i figure it will look like these:
    week 1-week 8:TRI TREN at 150-200mg per week divided at 3 pins
    week 1-week 9:TEST 350 ate 350mg per week
    week 1-week 9:ARIMIDEX 0.25mg per day and DOSTINEX at 0.25(2x week)
    week 4-week 9:HCG at 500iu weekly
    week 7-week 9:WINSTROL 50mg ED
    week 1-week 4:IGF-1 LR 3 at 4-6 iu ED,PEG MGF at 300cc per week
    week 1-week 9:PROVIRON at 0.25 mg ED

    PCT: starts few days after my last TRI TREN injection
    week 1-week 4 CLOMID
    week 1-week 4 AROMASIN
    week 1-week 4 IGF/MGF

    Please tell my what is ur opinion on how I put the cycle together,I would love to hear some critiques too.Thank u much
    Last edited by LVMYASS; 12-18-2009 at 04:13 PM.

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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  8. #8
    bad_boy888 is offline New Member
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    Keep us posted how is ur cycle going. Put some photos if u can to see ur progress before,during and after.

  9. #9
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    Im starting soon!!!

    So the IFG and MGF just arrived yesterday.So excited!!!Like a little kid on Xmas.Now Im only waiting for the Dostinex and Im good to go.I'll start tomorrow though with a month cycle IGH/MGF and when I get the dostinex(within 2 weeks I hope)ill just include everything else nomatter where Im at with the IGF/MGF.I'll do the IGF/MGF in the PCT too! I'll take and post some photos of me before I start the cylce and I will be upgrading them every 3 weeks so we can see what kind of progress a cycle like that can bring me.I'll keep this post going til the end of my cycle with details...

  10. #10
    diankobate is offline New Member
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    I think this is one of the most effective cycles which can be done as soon as minimum doses in combination with IGF and MGF for maximum effect... looking forward for ur progress

  11. #11
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    Ok so I started my cycle yesterday with some Turinabol at 30mg ed for a kick start and IGF-1 LR 3 at 3iu immidiately post work out.its been just 2 days but I can feel it already and im waking up pumped evreytime.My diet is almost perfect.I eat every 2-3 hours high protein,less carbs and no fats.Although after the IGF shot i gotta eat something sweet or some carbs cuz otherwise Im startin feelin light headed cuz my insulin levels is dropping down.Im gonna up the T-bol to 40mg and the IGF to 4iu ED by the end of the week and next week ill include the big daddy Tri Tren and test 350 ya.I'll post some photos soon.I need some opinions cmoon guys,Im doing this for you too!!!

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What cycles have you ran in the past?

  13. #13
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    So far Ive done:1st cycle-Retabolil with Omnadren ,2nd-Winstrol ,Primabolan with Methan,3rd-Winstrol+Jin Tropin+Sust 250 and add some IGF-1 LR3 in the end.And my last one was Winny + Turinabol +IGF about half an year ago.This is gonna be first serious cycle-I think Im ready.Im 29 years old...Im looking for an ultimate cutting cycle and this is what I came to.I know i shouldve get the short esters but I hate pinning ED...

  14. #14
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    ok so this is me a day before I started my 3 tren cycle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tri tren cycle ?-before-tri-tren-150.jpg  

  15. #15
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    3 days on tri tren now...

    Its my 3rd day today since the first TnT shots.I had no problem injecting it.No pain-nothing.I feel great.Its probably from the Tbol and the IGF cuz the TnT havent kick in yet.but i started noticing some fat loss and some strenght increase.My apetite is deffinitely bigger.My cardio is going down though but I was expecting that(from all ive red about tren sides).Also I cant stop sweating...all the time.I mean im changing my t-shirt 3 times at doesnt really bother me that much.Tomorrow is my 2nd shot.I think im gonna mix the TnT in one syringe-see how that goes.I decided that I dont really need that much Test for my goals with this cycle.Im even gonna keep it a little lower or just as the Tri Tren.Just so I would get less sides and so the Tri Tren can really do its thing.

  16. #16
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    1 week on tri tren

    ok ok ok ,so its been exactly one week since my first shot ya?gained about 10 lbs in 7 days -no lie!Im over 215 lbs now.Strenght gains?-insane! pumps- ridiculous! mood?-pretty good! I upped the IGF to 4 iu ED.The tren im runnin at around 300mg per week (75-100mg EOD).The test is about 250-300mg per week(twice a week mixed with the tren)T-bol at 40mg ED but im gonna stp it next week.The craziest thing is that I am really tryin not to gain any weight.Just tryin to cut up.I havent been eating any carbs after 5pm(diet is perfect),Im doing cardio 3 times a week and after every work out(almost).Streching alot too.(Im playing sports-dont wanna get too stiff ya?) and still gained all this weight IN A WEEK!!!hope is not all fat-what do yall think???
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tri tren cycle ?-1st-week-tri-tren.jpg  
    Last edited by LVMYASS; 12-31-2009 at 12:15 AM.

  17. #17
    diankobate is offline New Member
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    from here onwards we expect to inform us each week for a change in your body in the future ... here to look so good for 1 week

  18. #18
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    week 2 on tri tren

    today starts week 3 of my cycle.Everything is going ok except some signs of gyno that i started noticing in the last 3 days.Im taking really small does of test so I really cant explain why is this happening.some help please???I started the arimidex at 0.25 ED and Dostinex at 0.5-0.75 per week.I gained exactly 15 pounds so far.Im 220lbs now.i upped tha IGF to 5 iu EOD,stopped the tBol and started the MGF at 50IU per week.Sex drive is to the top no problems in that department.Ill start in the winny in 2 weeks.Im really bugged now because og this gyno signs I mean I was suppose to do some HCG during the cycle and now im kinda scared cuz I dont wanna make it worse.Please give me some tips what should I change or is it too late now???
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tri tren cycle ?-2nd-week-tri-tren.jpg  
    Last edited by LVMYASS; 01-07-2010 at 03:03 PM.

  19. #19
    bad_boy888 is offline New Member
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    I cant believe that uve gained 15lbs for 2 weeks and u look leaner, thats sick, u got the flue. Tri Tren and IGF/MGF must be the mother of all mothers! I cant wait to see whats gonna happen when u start the winny...

  20. #20
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    Tomorrow is the start of week 5.I added the winstrol the other day at 100mg EOD(injectable) and im gonna finish with 50mg ED(pills)...for no reason-its just what I have.Im still 220lbs but I think the BF% is gettin lower.I started getting these super itchy rashes and I think its from the estrogen blockers so I stopped them for few days to see if it will go away.I also changed my workout routine:Im doing one muscle each day but just one set of certain exercise and immideatelly im jumping to another exercise for the sam muscle and on and on it goes until i comlete 10-12 different exersises,I rest 1 min and i do it again.Im doing 3 circles like that with 60-70% of ur abilities 12-15 reps.I like it a lot.My work out with the cardio in the end is about 45 min super intensive-I think its working.Here are some photos of me at the end of week 4.....4 more to go!!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tri tren cycle ?-tren-week-4-7-.jpg   tri tren cycle ?-tren-week-4-11-.jpg   tri tren cycle ?-tren-week-4-1-.jpg  

  21. #21
    LVMYASS's Avatar
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    Its Over!!!

    Its week 8 of the cycle now and its officially over!I am more than satisfied with the results.I started at 205lbs BF% around 12-13 and I finished at 235lbs,I dont know what my BF % is but is deffinetely lower(I mean check out the photos).So in other words thats 35 lean and mean pounds of muscle with decreasing the BF!!!I still cant believe this.I dont feel heavy or anything either....AND IF YALL DIDNT KNOWWWW,NOW U KNOW!!! Anythings possible,like 50 ****ed Vivica... Im out! good luck
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails tri tren cycle ?-itsa-wrap.jpg   tri tren cycle ?-2010-02-15-22.59.14.jpg   tri tren cycle ?-giaaaa.jpg  
    Last edited by LVMYASS; 02-18-2010 at 02:15 PM.

  22. #22
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Wow, great results!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. #23
    aaronk88 is offline New Member
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    Holy shit man I'm jealous!

  24. #24
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    amazing results man! geez, what is your body type? endo, ecto, meso? just curious cause for me to put on 15+ pounds i need to bulk and my bodyfat goes up

  25. #25
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    looking good bro, good work.

  26. #26
    fig's Avatar
    fig is offline Member
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    579 look like a totally different person. Congrats man! That is seriously impressive.

  27. #27
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    I seek Immortality
    i know my next cycle

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