i was just woundering what results i could expect from a tren only cycle...the good and bad just looking for some feedback thanks guys
i was just woundering what results i could expect from a tren only cycle...the good and bad just looking for some feedback thanks guys
tren only cycle will yeild results ,there is no doubt about that but there are downfalls to this ,as tren is a 19 nor steroid meaning its not a test you will suffer loss of sex drive ,poor appitite ,feeling like shit ,any 19 nor (tren-deca) will shut your hpta down hard meaning your body will stop produceing its own natural test,its always recomended that you run atleast a hrt dose of synthectic test while useing any non test steroid (200-300 mgs per week atleast of test) this will keep you feeling like a man .
what are your stats and is it tren e or tren a your running?
tren e ya i know that running a low dose of test would be a good idea..money is just an issue id like to run an oral with it as well its just a money issue around the holidays ya kno
If money is an issue then wait. Your health is worth more than a few hundred bucks
I agree, it isnt that much money to add test. Just wait and do it right.
so u guys all think doing tren only would be a waste? would i get good results and hurt my body or just not get results?
Training experience?
AAS Experience?
PCT Knowledge?
i heard if u dont have test as a base // your penis will not work
Tren is by far the most potent steroid i've ever used and the sides can be crazy at times. In 6 years i've learned how to deal w/ them as they've become friend and i know exactly what to expect. But it's trial and error.
Now, you didn't post your cycle experience as BigKuntry asked but i strongly recommend that if this is your first cycle, you should look elsewhere.
That being said, yes; you'll get gains from running tren alone. I did twice. And the gains were incredible but this was back in 03 when i didn't know any better.
The sides: No pecker whatsoever. Say bye-bye to him.
Appetite sucks, but hell, less bodyfat right?
But most importantly, you have no stamina at all. You're ability to help yourself doing cardio is out the window cause you're fatigued all the time. You have a fulltime job? Well if so, it will suffer as well cause inconjunction w/ the insomnia it won't work very well. Now, test isn't going to help with stamina cause tren is notorious for destroying it no matter. But it will help in other areas.
A little more research will reveal more answers for you. But take it from a guy that truly loves tren, don't take it alone. You're asking for trouble. Good luck....
Exactly. Save tren for a later cycle. I know it sounds incredible. And I bet it is.... There is a reason why people ask for your stats. People that have 'been there, done that' can teach their experiences to new users. If the next generation takes the advice and knowledge of the last generation, then it can formulate greater success in the game. The people giving the advice made those mistakes so that you don't have to today. Take the advice. Trust me. I came here completely new to AAS. These guys mentored me, and now I am set up for success
Why is everyone so scared to run test?
Yeah money is an issue, yet tren is 3x more expensive than test (especially Tren E). But hes talkin about using tren and a oral.. IM sure he can get the test with the money he was gonna pay for an oral. People are stupid.
He obviously has not done his research with tren, he probly just saw a few side effects that test gives and didnt read anything about tren besides the fact that it doesnt convert to estrogen. Id rather get testosterone side effects than trens, trens are much worse.
Ive ran both compounds, test is amazing i love it. Tren is a waste of money in my book, U wanna run something powerful? try test suspension, that kicks trens ass.
Last edited by dcglobemaster; 12-10-2009 at 01:30 AM.
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