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Thread: 1st mass cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city

    1st mass cycle

    Im still doin research, so im not really going to go into details of the cycle, cuz im still undecided. But do u think an eq, ethanate and dbol cycle would be good for a 1st cycle? or would i be better off with a deca, sust, dbol cycle? Or is there any other cycle suggestions for a 1st time mass cycle, i want to gain as much mass/ weight as i can.... By the way im 6'2 180 pounds and have very low bf (im pretty sure its low cuz every1 thinks im 10- 15 pounds heavyier then i am, plus when i started training i was hella skinny)...Input what would be appreciated, thanx bros..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i like the sus/deca/dbol approach because of the effects the of the different time released esters in sust. BUT, for your first cycle you dont need to go ALL OUT on the dosages no matter what people say. novices get great gains no matter what - as long as the diet and training is really there. so maybe not do the dbol. however if you do remember 1g milk thistle ed one week before and after dbol therapy. you will see great gains from deca and sus if you eat the right way (most gains will be 4-5 weeks in).
    at 6'3 180 you are a bit skinny so you may not be eating like you should at your size. that MUST change before you start your cycle remember that. a kid i train is 6'3' 225 and he is lean... he must eat a lot to stay big at his height because of his fast metabolism. deca only works if you take in a lot of protein.
    also make sure to have clomid for post cycle and an antie. if you are worried about water retention .25mg arimidex ed. if taking the dbol drink AT LEAST a gallon of water a day to help out your liver. take a mulitvit and 15g glutamine before bed as well.
    do all this and work out correctly and you willl see great gains.
    by the way, why you decide to use? it seems like you may have more potential to gain at your size, you may want to consider waiting till you have achieved that potential before you use.
    also, how old are you, what is your workout history, what is your diet like, what is your routine like etc etc
    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city
    Well im 19, will be 20 in march and the cycle im planning will be for sometime next year. Ive been trainig for 3 and a half years. My routine 1 body part a day, usually 3-4 exercises and I train atleast 5 days a week. My diet is, that i just eat about eveyrthing because of my fast matabolisim, since i want to gain weight because it dosnt really turn into fat....i drink 2 protein shakes a day and i cycle creatine around every 4 motnths. I may sound skinny because of my weight/ height but im not really, im just really lean, but i do agree i should put on some more weight b4 i take AS, thats y im waitng... thanx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    if this is your first mass cycle, i would suggest the deca/sus/dbol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city
    I shoulda just said 1st cycle, cuz i havent done any cycles b4... just dont want to confuse ne1

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    still, if you want mass, go with the deca/sus/dbol. i've done a couple cycles and i'm gonna run that one in early jan

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I agree with the d-ball, sust, deca.It's a good first cycle you will get great gains if you eat right,exe..etc.So good luck

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