go with sus
go with sus
Good posts, learned a lot.
BJJ, ur a real man bro.
u have been around and i think i have a feel for u.
go with the prop....
eh u have most of the questions asnwered, now its just opinoin time lol
id go with prop, esp cuz u dont want the water weight, however like said before id shoot ED and just rotate the sites that u shoot,
one tip i did find out, is that if i shot my quads, then did squats in my workout the same day susually within a hour of shooting that REALLY decreased the amount of pain that i had the next day following the injection...so i worked out after i shot and didnt have much pain at all...
but def dont have an injection then be sedintary all day then work out at night, that made me super super sore and could barely work out...
best of luck!
and good luck finding painless prop, ive always made mine and never had a problem so it can be easily done
You haven't used either, so pick one and give it a try thats the only way to find out HOW you respond to them, all this discussion is pointless try prop first and next cycle try Test e its that simple, best of luck
i use my prop eod till i add my tren ace.
then i go ed..
but if ur just running prop, inject it eod and u will have no problems bro..
and usually its dosed at 100mg/ml so i would recomend that u do 1.5ml eod
which is 150mg eod....
I've used both, and they are high quality human gear from pharmaceutical companies.
Pros for prop: Less water, instant pump after injection.
Cons for prop: ED or EOD injections, hurts in the beginning.
Pros for Enth: Can be 1 injection per week, painless injections.
Cons for Enth: Some bloat.
Overall, I like enth because of the fact that there are less injections.
What about this idea, you can tell me if it has a constructive meaning or is an insane way to act:
To have a kickstart avoiding the use of tbol but to keep it simple avoiding to inject ed or eod, what about frontloading with test prop and then stay on test en?
Week 1-12 test en 150 mg ew one shot (from week 4, 500 mg ew two shots)
Week 1-3 test prop 50 mg ed
Week 1-3 proviron 75 mg ed (from week 4, 50 mg ed)
Make sense?
Stay at 500 for the 12 weeks of Test E.
It's pointless doing 150 for the first 4 weeks.
No Bro, to your body it's not 800 per week because the Test E has not kicked in yet...that is why you do the prop.
^^ that doesnt make sense...
and why are you really wanting to do test e? and since its ur first cycle, id do the one compound and see how that works... try the frontloading and such on ur 2nd cycle..
truthfully if ur not scared of needles, id stick with the prop esp if its painless for ya, i think u can feel it workin better (prolly psychological but hey whatever works)
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