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Thread: Dianabol/Deca-durabolin Cycle

  1. #1

    Question Dianabol/Deca-durabolin Cycle

    Hi there,

    I am planning to go for a 12 week novice cycle of

    Dianabol- 30 mg day for 5 weeks
    Test Enanthate - 250 mg/week for 12 weeks and
    Decadurabolin - 250 mg week for 12 week

    i have used steroids last in early 2008.

    we have some great experienced users here so please help me if this cycle is ok for some good mass.

    i will be using nolvadex 10 mg/day and clomid 50mg/day for PCT along with 100 iu for hcg every 3 days for 2 weeks.

    what supplements u all suggest to use along with cycle ?????

    M from India and my diet plan some what different from Western Users...
    Please take a look at my diet chart as well....

    Meal 1: 9:00 AM:Breakfast/Postworkout Meal
    7 eggs boiled
    100 Gram white bread
    Grape - Green Pale - 100 gm

    Meal 2: 9:45 AM:
    200 Ml Milk
    2 Eggs RAW
    GAIN FAST - UNIVERSAL - 60 gms
    Honey - 10 Ml

    Meal 3: 1:00 PM: LUNCH
    Mixed salad**
    Chicken 200 Gm stewed
    Onion - 100 Gm
    Carrot -100 Gm
    Beet Root - 100 Gm
    Cucumber - 100 gm

    Meal 4: 4:00 PM
    Beef Stew**
    Beef 300 gm + stock
    Potato 200 gm Boiled+stock
    Peas 200 Gm Boiled

    Meal 5: 5:00 PM
    200 Ml Milk
    3 Eggs RAW
    GAIN FAST - UNIVERSAL - 60 gms
    Honey - 20 Ml

    Meal 6: 9:00 PM
    Fish - ANY Shallow Fry - 500 Gm
    White Bread 200 Gm

    Its coming at arnd 400 gm protein 450 Carbs and 4200 Cals...

    Wat u all think abt my diet....any possible changes...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    age? stats? cycle experience?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Test needs to be ran 2 weeks longer than deca, why such low test and deca doses?

  6. #6


    5 Feet 3 inches

    150 lbs

    age - 26

    used steroids from 4 years and always used mild cycles......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rocky76hard View Post
    5 Feet 3 inches

    150 lbs

    age - 26

    used steroids from 4 years and always used mild cycles......
    First thing you need to try working out on your diet. I know its Winters in India and best time to train for bulk.

    Read this:

    I have heard many saying that the lower amount of roids is a waste. But I dont know .. I have seen people in gym gaining good on lower cycle.

    For your cycle 250 mg deca is good enough Still opinion differs sometimes.

    redz is right about running test 2 weeks longer.

    Dianabol- 30 mg day for 5 weeks
    Test Enanthate - 250 mg/week for 12 weeks and
    Decadurabolin - 250 mg week for 10 week

    I have no idea of D-bol @ 30mg ..

    For PCT:

    Nolva, clomid and HCG.

  8. #8
    What change in diet u want me to make....and what abt supplements....any addition like amminos glutamine....or any other brand for whey and mass gainer....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rocky76hard View Post
    What change in diet u want me to make....and what abt supplements....any addition like amminos glutamine....or any other brand for whey and mass gainer....
    All I can say :

    I dont know what is available in your country. But remember to read that thread. Calculate BMI and the cal count. SO that you eat enough to build than wasting your gear for no reason.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Cut 250mg Deca to 10 weeks and make test to 500mg a week for 12 weeks.
    get D-Bol 30mg for 4 weeks.
    I guess you are from the South India ?

    By the way I am cusriou sto know what were you mild cycles you have used in the pst 4 years. I can tell you that you might have screweeeed upi badly in past if you have just used it for an adventure. The mild cycles are the worst. Some think just using it for 6-8 week will help but its is a mistake.

  11. #11
    Thanx Bladerunner9...i willl do that.....but i started working out in 1998... i was then 16 years old...weighed 42 kgs/92.4 height was 5 Feet/152 cm......

    I started steroids in 2002.i was at 62 kg/136 lbs..5'3'' ...i used deca @ 200 mg/week with dianabol 20mg/week most of the cycles at 6 weeks at most....i got arnd 15 lbs of weight gain form my first cycle.....i never used more than 2 cycle a year...and stopped in 2007 never used steroid after that.......i got a job in HSBC Bank and had to relocate... for these 2 years i relied on whey and creatine to maintain my body mass and muscle....

    i left my job to do my master degree...and moved back with my i am planning to start a cycle again.....

    well ur right i screwed up all the time because none of my cycle were longer than 8 weeks and i always used milder drugs like deca, primo, winstrol, test with exception of dianabol...but that too in low dosages...

    No buddy i am from Central India...I reside in Bhopal...Capital city for the State of MP...central state of INDIA....

  12. #12

    Thumbs up Thanx for Help

    Buddy can u suggest me some supplements too....i usually go for supplements like Glutamine, Amino caps, BCAA, Whey and weight gainers...from optimum , mesotech, prolab, BSN and Universal.
    Last edited by rocky76hard; 12-13-2009 at 04:46 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Oh you were just 20 years old when you used that.. damn !! and never did PCT I believe.
    It was just a cheat cycle if i say not even loyal to oneself, or probably you didn't know about gears much that time. I learn tons of things every time i come here. The deca screw you more than any thing else its hard on HTPA and it was a mistake to start gears at 20, what i will suggest you is to get your blood levels checked.
    Yaar tension matt lay it will be fine.

    What I did once was the following, it gave me pretty good results coz i had extra buck and won some at casino so i tried :-

    1.) BSN No Explode or Universal Animal Pak
    2.) Optimum Whey
    3.) Dymatize Amino acids
    4.) ZMA
    5.) Optimum 'Serious Mass'
    6.) Vitamin 'E'
    7.) Optimum or EAS Glutamin
    8.) Multivitamin

    That was hell alot of money I spent but as told you it was i won around $800 from

  14. #14
    In this cycle i am using Animal pak with universal gain fast and ultra whey pro...i also bought micronized glutamine and super amino 4800....u said Vitamin much vitamin E u want me to use ?....i never used them seperately...i always use Universal daily formula for vitamins and minerals...

    Thannx again...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Hey bor, i didnt said you to eat all that and do what I did. I learnt a lot here just go to the deit section, there is hell and yes A HELL lot of information . It will surely help you . I promise you.

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