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  1. #1
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
    Mr.Rose is offline Anabolic Member
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    Question about AI on my Test P Cycle.


    I am currently running a Test Prop cycle at 4-500mg/week and anavar at 50mg/day.

    I'm in thailand and i couldn't find any good AI's. I found arimidex but its really expensive and i don't wish for the rebound in estrogen, i was really looking forward to aromasin but i could not find it.

    So i was wondering, since i dont have AI's in my cycle i tried to composite by running Nolva at 20mg a day and Proviron at 50mg day.

    Would this do anything to help stop aromotization?

    My last resort is letro, but i dont wont to remove all my estrogen.

    Any advice would be helpful.


  2. #2
    Researcher is offline Associate Member
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    Are you having and sides from the test? If not then you don't need the AI.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Proviron at 50mg/day should be enough to handle the estrogen. I don't see a need for nolvadex unless you feel gyno symptoms.

  4. #4
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
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    Only sides is a bit of acne, and a tad bit of water retention. Which i would like to rid.

    This is my first cycle and naturally i have had a bit of gyno for years, so i know if i got it naturally i would get it twice as bad on gear, so the nolva is an insurance policy. If the gyno gets worse i might try some letro.

    A question on letro, is there a big estrogen rebound if i take it for a week or two at the end of my cycle? I will be running a pct but im interested, because i know aromasin does not rebound because its a suicider.

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    You can get away with just the nolva. If its gyno with water retention and bloating (which I doubt with prop) then adex as needed.

  6. #6
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
    Mr.Rose is offline Anabolic Member
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    Gyno isnt from the prop... well not yet at least, i've had gyno for years, but at a small extent, and that is just from my natural test levels, so i know im prone to gyno, so im not taking chances.

    Acne to be honest is quite bad, well from my perspective, water retention is very minimal. I would just like to get rid of the acne. Adex is out of the question unless i find a cheaper source, its ridiculous how much it costs. Im aiming at low dose letro or aromasin

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