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Thread: Too much for third cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Land ofthe Free(formerly)

    Too much for third cycle?

    I am 30, 13% BF, 230 lbs. 6'4. Most recent cycle (Past 6 mos.) was
    Test Prop 100mg EOD Weeks 1-12
    Winny Tabs 50 mg ED Weeks 6-12

    Got some good results thinking of stepping it up a little this time around:
    Frontload Test Prop 100mg EOD Weeks 1-5
    Test Enth. 250 MG twice a week Weeks 1-12
    Turnabol 40mg ED Weeks 1-6
    Masteron Prop 100 MG EOD Weeks 6-12

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Since you're planning on EOD injects the entire cycle, why not skip the Test E and just run prop 200 EOD (700 per week). Or preferably, 100 mg Test prop ED. The OT is ok, but maybe a little light. I would run 60 ED at your size. The masteron is a cutting compound and hardener. Deca, or NPP which is another fast esther, would be a good compound to add size instead. But you can gain on masteron and will have little water retention.
    Last edited by Bossman; 12-13-2009 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Land ofthe Free(formerly)
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Since you're planning on EOD injects the entire cycle, why not skip the Test E and just run prop 200 EOD (700 per week). Or preferably, 100 mg Test prop ED. The OT is ok, but maybe a little light. I would run 60 ED at your size. The masteron is a cutting compound and hardener. Deca, or NPP which is another fast esther, would be a good compound to add size instead. But you can gain on masteron and will have little water retention.

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing with pinning EOD anyway, but last cycle the test prop was starting to be a pain with scar tissue and such, but have never ran enth. wanted to see if maybe it will put a little more size on me-stayed very lean no bloat hardly at all with prop last go round. I want the lean/hard look but with as much size as possible without that puffy look. Did Deca a long time ago had some gyno issues with it, so I am staying away from that stuff, I will be running 50mg/day proviron and 20mg/day nolva just to keep my gyno in control from the test, I am very gyno prone unfortunately.

  4. #4
    I like the cycle... I think you should only run the prop for the first 3, or maybe 4 weeks, because by week 5 the test-e should be completely built up in your system (meaning your levels will be far from constant, because after that you'll be cruising on 500mg EW of test-e)... but your call.

    The t-bol dosage is low! I would say at least 60mg. I love t-bol @ 80mg ED. great dry gains.

    BTW, just a thought, but I find that there is a VERY noticeable difference when you run proviron @ 100mg ED on cycle.

    ... why don't you run an AI? does nolvadex work for you? if you're thinking that you're going to use provirons "anti-e" properties you should reconsider! it's veryyy mild..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    ^ Agree with the t-bol..personally I would remove the winny and just have the t-bol instead ran at 60-80mgs a day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    why not go long now.
    anadrol week 1-4 50 mg/day
    600 mg cyp/week 1-16
    600 mg eq /week 1-14
    anavar 60-80 mg/day week 10-16

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    If you want to frontload shoot the prop ED. Then, like V-Man said, cut it off. I'd cut it at week 5. No harm done there.

    The t-bol dosage needs to increase.

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