HI Guys
I cant offer much as I an still planning my first cycle.
But because I work in the health industry thought you may like to know about this. I think the one thing I fear is starting a cycle and getting something like swine flu!
Flu can be combated a lot quicker that the doctors medication there is a health product on the market called Sambucol (Black elderberry extract)
Black Elderberry Extract Benefits
A clinical trial during a severe flu outbreak around 1992-93 in Israel confirmed a perfect cure rate of severe flu victims there. Another study performed in Oslo, Norway more recently, around 2002, also confirmed the amazing efficacy for type A or B flu victims of several different strains. The cures mostly occurred in two days while a few were cured in three days. Tamiflu cures occur normally in 4.5 to 5 days. It took 6 days or more for the flu victims on placebos to recover.
What was used in both Israel and Norway was a Black Elderberry extract product of Israeli origin. There were no side effects from taking this inexpensive flu cure. At the end of this article there is a simple Black Elderberry extract remedy recipe. In other words, you will be empowered with making an abundant supply of this extract cure to have on hand.
Elderberry has a very high ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity: over twice as much as blueberry. In addition, antioxidants called flavonoids stimulate the immune system. Other compounds in elderberry, called anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory effect; which would explain the effect on aches, pains, and fever.
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