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Thread: Methyltestosterone and cardio?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Methyltestosterone and cardio?

    Ok lets say theoretically I have access to like hundreds of Methyltestosterone orals, but I still need to cut down on body fat before I go on a real cycle. If I take Methyltestosterone before I start my cardio I heard you are way more aggressive. Is this true? I have plently of milk thistle. Etc to counter effects.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I would not do Cardio on Methyltestosterone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    What reasons?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    because m1t is more for bulking, and can give you sides such as lethargy so i wouldent use it for cardio. Cardio is a must and should be done on cycle however.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I’m getting mixed messages with this. I read that if you take it a hour before you work out it makes you more aggressive when working out. So how does it make you sluggish?
    And I read that it really doesn’t make you gain much at all. Just strength? Not really any size or weight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Looking East
    Sorry if you have done so bef
    ore but - Age / Weight / BF% / goals?
    And form the profile section: Methyltest won´t impress anyone with its ability to add weight to an athlete. The members of who liked Methyltest generally cited effects such as increased strength and aggression while using it, especially when it was taken before workouts. Herein lies the most effective and common use for Methyltest in a cycle: rapid increases in strength and aggression when a dose is taken prior to a workout or athletic event, 25mgs taken an hour before working out or competing should be sufficient for this purpose, while I´d recommend 2-4x that dose if it´s being used as the primary oral in a cycle. Someone on a cycle may want to consider the inclusion of this drug into their regimen to make their workouts more productive, and thus get maximum results from their workouts, and allow the other anabolics in their cycle to be more efficient. Powerlifters also love this drug and it is often used prior to competitions as well as prior out workouts.
    Could be a winner for you bud.

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