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Thread: Trenbolone cause hair loss for women or not?

  1. #1

    Trenbolone cause hair loss for women or not?

    Ok so i'm confused about Trenbolone, since Trenbolone does not convert to DHT why would it cause balding?

    Would a woman taking Trenbolone be prone to hair loss since it does not convert to DHT, i'm not sure if this side effect would still occur in women if they took it?

    Is Trenbolone hair loss only a side effect that occurs in men taking it?

    I'd like to know if hair loss is a concern for women if they took Trenbolone.

    Please only answer if you know, thanks.

    Edit: i said only answer if you know, as in have experience or any knowledge about women taking trenbolone and how likely hair loss may occur. Obviously i realise there is a genetic component and that everyone responds differently. I'm not sure if a woman would be prone to hair loss in the same way a man is with taking tren, that's why i'm asking.
    Last edited by crunch321; 12-13-2009 at 11:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    How can we possibly answer this w/ 100% guarantee? Tren and other drugs affect people differently. What might cause hair loss in myself might not cause it for you. Just like gyno and other side effects w/ roids.
    So it might be best to ask for opinions rather than to come here and say 'answer if you know'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    A chick on tren?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    i know yea a chick on tren?

    trens hairloss sides are due to its androgenic nature, if its causes hair loss in men why wouldnt it cause hair loss in women? if it can agrevate baldening in men it can aggrevate it in women

    women are less likely to go bald or suffer hair loss becuase they carry 2 X chromosones

    in brief men have a X and Y chromosone

    women have 2 X chromosones

    the baldening gene is carried on the X chromosone, however a X chromosone without the baldening gene will cancel out another X chromosone with the baldening gene

    so if lets say we have a women

    and she has 2 X chromosone


    1X carries the baldening gene, 2X doesnt carry the baldening gene, becuase 2X doesnt carry the baldening gene it is known as the dominant gene since baldening is actually a indominant gene, which means if another X chromosone doesnt carry the baldening gene itll be dominant over the gene that does carry it

    in other words this women wont go bald becuase 2X (THE ONE WITHOUT THE GENE) IS DOMINANT OVER 1x (THE ONE WITH THE BALDENING GENE)

    however lets say a woen gets both a 1X chromosone and another 1X chromosone, this means she will suffer baldness becuase both genes carry it, she in this case would be likely to suffer hair loss and trenbelone would aggrevate this

    a man on the other hand carries a X and a Y chromosone, if a males X chromosone carries the gene he will suffer from baldness becuase the Y chromosone is the INDOMINANT gene, meaning no matter what the X chromosone will always dominate it, therefore if the X chromosone carries the gene, the male will suffer baldening, this is why males are more likely to go bald, and is why u always see more men then women going bald


    women are usually more prone to side effects from androgenic/anabolic steroids, its why such low dosages are reccomended to them, and many times some steroids are said women shouldnt use

    i really dont know why ud be worried about hair loss as a side effect from a women taking tren

    their are far WORSE side ffects a women could suffer, and IMO i think a girl be crazy to use tren
    Last edited by ranging1; 12-14-2009 at 03:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Bodybuilding chicks use tren. And for that matter, just about everything else the guys use, but usually much less.

  6. #6
    Thanks ranging1, lot's of useful information there. I always thought someone with XX chromosomes were most likely to bald then someone with XY chromosomes because it's generally accepted that the gene is carried on the X chromosome and so if a person has 2 X chromosomes aren't they more likely to bald?

    Anyway the person taking this kind of steroid wouldn't actually be a woman, but they would have two XX chromosomes, so the steroids would be taken to achieve masculine effects, which is why i'm not worried about the other side effects of steroid use.

    Does anyone know of any steroid a woman could take that would be less likely to cause hairloss or will all anabolic steroids have the same result if that said individual carries the balding gene?

    Any advice appreciated.

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