I've gotten mixed feedback on EQ as far as adding lead mass. I'm looking to keep water to a minimum(not trying to blow up 30lbs like a test cyp/deca cycle)
Test Prop 1-8 700mg/week (up to 1g, depending on how I feel)
Anavar 1-8 75mg/day, maybe 100mg depending on how I feel again.
EQ At 1-8 300mg? I know its a low dose but I start low and go from there. I have heard people not getting anything off of a 1g a week but I am not looking to blow up that big.
Age: 27
Height: 5'8
Weight: 190
BF%: 17%(dunked a few days ago)
Cycle Exp: 3
1st cycle; Test cyp 500mg 1-12
2nd cycle; Test Prop 100mg/day tren ace 75mg/day 1-10 weeks
3rd cycle: Test cyp 750/week deca 500 1-12
played with var for a few days, and winny
PCT Knowledge: good, but HRT 4 life, so don't care
Training Exp: 5 years, solid, 10 years on and off. Have read 1000s of threads on various forums and dozens of books. trained with a few top trainers here also.
Diet: In check on and off steroids.. ( 6 meals a day, mostly solid food, only supplement when I have to & right after workout )