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Thread: Lean cycle, add low dose of EQ or not?(Test P + var)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Lean cycle, add low dose of EQ or not?(Test P + var)

    I've gotten mixed feedback on EQ as far as adding lead mass. I'm looking to keep water to a minimum(not trying to blow up 30lbs like a test cyp/deca cycle)

    Test Prop 1-8 700mg/week (up to 1g, depending on how I feel)
    Anavar 1-8 75mg/day, maybe 100mg depending on how I feel again.
    EQ At 1-8 300mg? I know its a low dose but I start low and go from there. I have heard people not getting anything off of a 1g a week but I am not looking to blow up that big.



    Age: 27
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 190
    BF%: 17%(dunked a few days ago)
    Cycle Exp: 3
    1st cycle; Test cyp 500mg 1-12
    2nd cycle; Test Prop 100mg/day tren ace 75mg/day 1-10 weeks
    3rd cycle: Test cyp 750/week deca 500 1-12

    played with var for a few days, and winny

    PCT Knowledge: good, but HRT 4 life, so don't care

    Training Exp: 5 years, solid, 10 years on and off. Have read 1000s of threads on various forums and dozens of books. trained with a few top trainers here also.

    Diet: In check on and off steroids.. ( 6 meals a day, mostly solid food, only supplement when I have to & right after workout )

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Drop the eq its pointless IMHO,
    even if you are one of the minority who respond to it that dose and length you wont see much, complete waste of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Drop the eq its pointless IMHO,
    even if you are one of the minority who respond to it that dose and length you wont see much, complete waste of time.
    How about keeping it but bumping it to say 500+(up to a g) a week. It's not a matter of money or gear.

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