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Thread: Cutting cycle

  1. #1
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Cutting cycle

    222 lbs
    13-14% BF
    28 yrs
    3rd cycle (last one was test prop an NPP 525mg/wk of each dosed ED)

    Goal: to get to 10% BF of less without losing muscle (roughly 10lbs of fat)

    1-10 wks Prop 50mg/day
    1-10 Masteron 75mg/day
    1-9 Tren A 50mg/day
    1-10 HCG 550mg/wk dosed twice a week

    I would take caber throughout the cycle. I'll have adex and letro on hand, but don't think I will need it due to the masteron.

    PCT would be:
    Clen 60-120
    4 wks of nolva and clomid

    I'm open to suggestions and can get T3 if a small dose of that would be beneficial.

  2. #2
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    And I'm torn between when to use the clen . I've seen both arguments as to when to use it. Towards the end of cycle and pct. I suppose I could run it the last several weeks of the cycle and through PCT. Thought?

    And I'll be lifting 5 days a week and do cardio about 8-10 sessions/wk plus a night or two of basketball. 40min of morning cardio saturday through wed and 35 min of stairmaster after the weights).

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    The cycle looks fine to me.

    I honestly don't think you'll need the T3 or clen if your diet and cardio are up to par.

    And trust me, you might want to think twice about clen and tren ...unless you like doing laundry every day.

  4. #4
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    How tall are you?

  5. #5
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana View Post
    how tall are you?

  6. #6
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    The cycle looks fine to me.

    I honestly don't think you'll need the T3 or clen if your diet and cardio are up to par.

    And trust me, you might want to think twice about clen and tren...unless you like doing laundry every day.
    Sounds good. I read a lot of threads with people doing this similar cutting cycle so I was pretty confident it would be fine. I won't even get the T3 then. I'll still probably get the clen, and decide whether or not I want to take it after the cycle is over. I can always use it in the future if I decide not to now.

  7. #7
    RANA's Avatar
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    Your cycle looks good, see how tren is working for you around week 4, if sides are minimal you might want to go to 75mg. I'm not saying you have to but it's a good option

  8. #8
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Your cycle looks good, see how tren is working for you around week 4, if sides are minimal you might want to go to 75mg. I'm not saying you have to but it's a good option
    Would you still keep the prop at 50mg/day in order to let the tren do the work if I go that route? I know tren has some of the harshest sides, but I got virtually none from prop and NPP so I imagine I could probably end up doing the 75 and be fine. Guess we'll wait and see...

  9. #9
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBall6 View Post
    Would you still keep the prop at 50mg/day in order to let the tren do the work if I go that route? I know tren has some of the harshest sides, but I got virtually none from prop and NPP so I imagine I could probably end up doing the 75 and be fine. Guess we'll wait and see...
    I had no side with prop/npp, my tren sides were minimal. Keep your prop at 50mg even though you pump up your tren. I started at 75mg ed and by week 4 or 5 I went to 100mg and loved it so much!
    Regarding sides and this is only my observation, people that run there test high, high bf% or injecting EOD usually have the most sides. I have seen were they cut there test and some sides went away also when they went from EOD to ED it made a big difference with in a couple of days

  10. #10
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    I had no side with prop/npp, my tren sides were minimal. Keep your prop at 50mg even though you pump up your tren. I started at 75mg ed and by week 4 or 5 I went to 100mg and loved it so much!
    Regarding sides and this is only my observation, people that run there test high, high bf% or injecting EOD usually have the most sides. I have seen were they cut there test and some sides went away also when they went from EOD to ED it made a big difference with in a couple of days
    Thanks, I'll give that a try (the 50 - 75 bump after about 4 weeks, not the 75 to 100)

  11. #11
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    you def dont need the t3 or clen if you have your diet and cardio rite. Your goign to feel like such a ****en beast on this cycle I ran something just liek this mast and prop same doses and felt amazing. I cant even imagine what I would of felt like with tren to ha. I will be following this cycle post in member results plsss.

  12. #12
    BBall6 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, I'll post a log. I'm not going to start the cycle until the end of jan/ beginning of feb. I'm just getting all of my supplies in order right now.

    And I'll just hang on to the clen and maybe use it between cycles or something.

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