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  1. #1
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    Prop winny cutter ???

    IM A MALE 35. 212 lbs 18%BF 2 previous cycles
    have lost 20 lbs so far with naturally with diet and workout.(Ive been on 4 ius a day of GH but i think its crap since my labs dont show a high IGF-1)
    Been working out for 5 years (although I took some time off and ate one too many burgers, thats why I got fat)
    lab results IGF-1 165 , Test 260
    Diet 1600-1800 cals a day, 200-210 grams protein.
    Workout 5 days min inlcuding high reps and 35 minute cardio.
    Goals to get to 8% BF and gain some solid muscle.

    here is my cycle plan;
    4 ius GH 5 days ( Again not sure if the stuff is real)
    50 mg prop ED 8 weeks
    50 mg Winny ED 8 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg ED
    Nolva and Clomid for PCT

    What do you bros think? i have enough Winny to go 10 weeks, is this Ok?


  2. #2
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    IM A MALE 35. 212 lbs 18%BF 2 previous cycles
    have lost 20 lbs so far with naturally with diet and workout.(Ive been on 4 ius a day of GH but i think its crap since my labs dont show a high IGF-1)
    Been working out for 5 years (although I took some time off and ate one too many burgers, thats why I got fat)
    lab results IGF-1 165 , Test 260
    Diet 1600-1800 cals a day, 200-210 grams protein.
    Workout 5 days min inlcuding high reps and 35 minute cardio.
    Goals to get to 8% BF and gain some solid muscle.

    here is my cycle plan;
    4 ius GH 5 days ( Again not sure if the stuff is real)
    50 mg prop ED 8 weeks
    50 mg Winny ED 8 weeks
    Nolvadex 20mg ED
    Nolva and Clomid for PCT

    What do you bros think? i have enough Winny to go 10 weeks, is this Ok?

    Blue tops? And I wouldn't be buying anymore if your not sure bro

  3. #3
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    test seems a little low id up the dose a bit, but whatever your comfortable with.

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    is 350mg a week of prop low for a cutter? I have ran it and had good results. what would you recommend then 2jz?

    Not trying to hijack.

  5. #5
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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  6. #6
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    if its inject. ya you could do it may be hard on your hair. I have done it b4.

  7. #7
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Prop and winny together is a badass cutting cycle.

  8. #8
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    if its inject. ya you could do it may be hard on your hair. I have done it b4.
    I dont have hair issues,if I was going to go bald it would have already happened. Also, what you said about it being an inj and losing hair doesnt make a lick of sense. Winny is Winny no matter how you take it. Im using inj to start and later switch to pills.

  9. #9
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I dont have hair issues,if I was going to go bald it would have already happened. Also, what you said about it being an inj and losing hair doesnt make a lick of sense. Winny is Winny no matter how you take it. Im using inj to start and later switch to pills.
    let me clarify, you said i have enough winny for ten weeks. I would not go over ten weeks with winny pills, but inj i think your good to go. And i dont have problems with hair either but it still does thin you out regardelss.

  10. #10
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    the pills are a lot harder on your liver.

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