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Thread: test e and hair loss?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    test e and hair loss?

    so i've read and read in the forums. my question is, taking finasteride or dutasteride while on test e will "block" hair loss? what exactly is meant by blocked, because i've noticed conflicting information. will finasteride or dutasteride completely prevent hairloss on test e? or just make the hairloss as mild as possible? and lastly, is their a possiblity that the finasteride or dutasteride wont have any affect on hairloss on test e?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your prone to MPB there isn't much you can do, finasteride does in some cases slow the process down from the acceleration of using Test but again not in all cases.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I've been reading that dutasteride does a much better job at blocking the test conversion to DHT (something like 90-95%), than finasteride (dutasteride blocks 30% more than finasteride in blocking DHT) which seems like very minimal hair loss? the only concerns people are having with this combo is that it will hinder gains (its damn worth keeping your hair) and a loss in libido, which should be counteracted by the test right?
    it seems to me that test e combined with dutasteride, and possibly some hair loss shampoo is a better cycle than an anavar only cycle, with respect to HAIR LOSS . I first chose anavar. but i've been reading, even though anavar should be mild on hair, that people have had different results with anavar and hair loss. some lost alot, some don't lose any, etc. and since finasteride/dutasteride have no effect on anavar. now i'm thinking test e + dutasteride would be a better cycle (obviously for gains) but still with respect to HAIR LOSS since the dutasteride is suppose to block 90-95%. comments...answers please???
    Last edited by im9boss; 12-17-2009 at 11:13 AM.

  4. #4
    the sad true about it is, if your prone to mpb and u choose to start using steroids(anything really) u will start losing it eariler than u would have other wise

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yea i know. i agree. truth is if you have mpb, your going to lose it anyway whether you use a steroid or not. so i've already accepted that, i'm still trying to find out, from the experienced, and the knowledgeable, in their opinion, it seems that test ( e or p )with dutasteride will have minimal affects on hair loss, am i right for thinking that? since the dutasteride is actualy blocking the dht? 90%+ or so. and secondly would that combo be more mild than anavar in terms of hair loss. seems that anavar's affects on hair is inconsistent from what i've read in the forums, even though its suppose to be mild, but it is a DHT derivative. that's why i'm mainly wondering if the test + dutasteride combo would be better since, like i said, the dutasteride is actually doing something to prevent the hair loss .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I am very prone to MPB, it's all over my family. But i FIGHT it!

    I lose my hair during PCT - any gear (so far).

    I have been using Rogaine, Finasteride, & Nizoral for 5 years now.

    Result Comparison: My younger brother @ 21 is bald, and I am not. So it's all about keeping up the good fight! Fin & Rogaine every, single, night. Forever.

    Giving up, is giving up your hair.

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