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Thread: Swelling and pain at injection site - Dirty stick or something else?

  1. #1

    Swelling and pain at injection site - Dirty stick or something else?

    I decided to follow the forum's advice for my first cycle and got 2 vials of Test P. I've been having an EMT friend shoot me for the past week. First injection was split up into 2 days, 1cc (at 100 mg) and 1cc just to see how my body reacted after the first injection. No major swelling or pain, but a little soreness on both 1cc injections. But everything seemed fine.

    2 days ago, it came time for the second injection. I decided to go with the full 2cc all at once this time. It was done about 9:00 in the morning and by 9:30 that night, I was feeling like shit, my arm was killing me and it was swollen as hell. Went to the doc right away and he gave me some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. I had redness, swelling, chills, and tenderness. But no fever.

    Any idea why this happened? I used 70% alcohol pads (I know 90 is preferred, but EMT girl said 70 is what they used), used fresh needles, and had her doing the work. I DID have her inject in the same spot twice, so I'm not sure if that's playing a part in it. I know some people have reactions to the BA in the solution if concentrations are too high in one spot.

    So does this sound like a tainted solution, dirty injection or just a bad reaction?

    Preciate any help. Really wanted my first cycle to go a little smoother than this...

    Last edited by Apexaddicted; 12-18-2009 at 10:30 AM.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    edit lab name, did she aspirate?

  3. #3
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    Being an EMT I hope so. You said you did the same spot? You switch sides. Left cheek then. Right cheek. At least your fine and went to the doctor. And why you doing 2cc? SPlit it 1cc twice A week. Mon - thurs or wed - sun. Lol good luck.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2007
    2 vials of test p wont last very long, you need more gear. Also edit the lab name!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    #1 Switch injection sites
    #2 If you are running Test P, I assume you need to do every other day injections at the VERY least. What does your cycle look like?

  6. #6
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    If she is an EMT-B then fail because they don't inject. If she is an EMT-P then okay, she knows what she is doing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SIKK View Post
    Being an EMT I hope so. You said you did the same spot? You switch sides. Left cheek then. Right cheek. At least your fine and went to the doctor. And why you doing 2cc? SPlit it 1cc twice A week. Mon - thurs or wed - sun. Lol good luck.
    its prop he's using, eod inject at least. seriousily if you dont knw dont advise

  8. #8
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    Sep 2008
    This thread has so much fail it in. I bet OP is running 250mg of Test P a week, has no PCT and has some half ass EMT giving him shots(and telling all her friends) while any moron who visits site can know how to do shots


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    its prop he's using, eod inject at least. seriousily if you dont knw dont advise
    Ok wow. I didn't notice the P PART n **** u. Btw at least I told he to alternate. Before he hurts himself

  10. #10
    Yes, definitely aspirated before injected. She's prior EMT recently transferred to ER as a Tech. Nonetheless, she's stuck more people than me.

    It's a little embarrassing but I have a noticeable difference in symmetry from my left to right sides so I wanted to see how true rumors were about biased site injections...

    went light since this is my first cycle:
    Week 1-8 - 400mg/week Test P split into 2cc every 3 days. 10mg Nolva (or as needed)
    Week 8-9 - 40 mg clomid, 25mg provironum
    Week 10-11 - 20 mg clomid, 25mg provironum

    I know Test P has a shorter ester so it sounds like every 3 days is still not enough. I'll bump it up to 1cc every other day, unless you guys think I should be using more.
    Like I said, Im trying to take a very cautious approach to this, being my first cycle and all. Maybe next one I'll try tearing my couch in half


  11. #11
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    Prop is notorious for causing injection pain. You need to adjust your injection frequency to ed or eod at least.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by fizler View Post
    This thread has so much fail it in. I bet OP is running 250mg of Test P a week, has no PCT and has some half ass EMT giving him shots(and telling all her friends) while any moron who visits site can know how to do shots

    Just cuz some number doesn't say 5million on my posts doesn't mean I haven't done my reading. Preciate the enthusiasm bro.... but send me a pm on ur thoughts next time.


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Prop is notorious for causing injection pain. You need to adjust your injection frequency to ed or eod at least.
    Ya that's what my boy told me. thought I could take it but damn that shit aint no joke.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apexaddicted View Post
    Just cuz some number doesn't say 5million on my posts doesn't mean I haven't done my reading. Preciate the enthusiasm bro.... but send me a pm on ur thoughts next time.

    Whats your total cycle plan and PCT bud?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apexaddicted View Post
    Yes, definitely aspirated before injected. She's prior EMT recently transferred to ER as a Tech. Nonetheless, she's stuck more people than me.

    It's a little embarrassing but I have a noticeable difference in symmetry from my left to right sides so I wanted to see how true rumors were about biased site injections...

    went light since this is my first cycle:
    Week 1-8 - 400mg/week Test P split into 2cc every 3 days. 10mg Nolva (or as needed)
    Week 8-9 - 40 mg clomid, 25mg provironum
    Week 10-11 - 20 mg clomid, 25mg provironum

    I know Test P has a shorter ester so it sounds like every 3 days is still not enough. I'll bump it up to 1cc every other day, unless you guys think I should be using more.
    Like I said, Im trying to take a very cautious approach to this, being my first cycle and all. Maybe next one I'll try tearing my couch in half

    Site injects are a myth. Once it's in your body, you are moving it through out with various types of cellular transports. Likely you favor one side, as do most people. I am strong on my right side. My right calf is 1'' bigger and I don't train it while I train the shit out of my other one.

    I would recommend bumping your test to at least 500mg, if not 600mg. Test P is short acting and I would bet you that your body produces more than 400mg a week. I would do 200mg/every other day for 8 weeks. Thus giving you 750mg/week. I know its your first cycle but do you want to risk shutting down your body and not really gaining much?

    I am not a fan of test P for 1st cycles for this reason. Giving yourself shots is a pain in the ass..doing 1-2 shots a week is bad enough without having to throw in a short acting ester like test p.

    simple first cycle;
    Test C or E 500mg/week 1-10 (lower dose than test p because you will have effects from these for up to three weeks unlike TP)

  16. #16
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fizler View Post
    Site injects are a myth. Once it's in your body, you are moving it through out with various types of cellular transports. Likely you favor one side, as do most people. I am strong on my right side. My right calf is 1'' bigger and I don't train it while I train the shit out of my other one.

    I would recommend bumping your test to at least 500mg, if not 600mg. Test P is short acting and I would bet you that your body produces more than 400mg a week. I would do 200mg/every other day for 8 weeks. Thus giving you 750mg/week. I know its your first cycle but do you want to risk shutting down your body and not really gaining much?

    I am not a fan of test P for 1st cycles for this reason. Giving yourself shots is a pain in the ass..doing 1-2 shots a week is bad enough without having to throw in a short acting ester like test p.

    simple first cycle;
    Test C or E 500mg/week 1-10 (lower dose than test p because you will have effects from these for up to three weeks unlike TP)
    id seriousily doubt tht

    tht would be 800mg pw and way to much for 1st time cycle, go find the how to give advice thread
    Last edited by dec11; 12-18-2009 at 09:41 PM.

  17. #17
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    Id like to know how long the needle is and how deep your going ????? STATS STATS STATS ?????

  18. #18
    Ya, a lot of forum threads i've read recommend about 500mg a week for the first cycle. Just with test p I guess it has to be more frequent.
    this page: gives some pretty good advice. Since test c is a longer ester solution, it will stay in the body longer, but less actually testosterone gets injected. with test p, this is opposite. So, I don't know if test p actually requires more to be more effective, just more frequent dosing.

    Age: 26
    Weight: 175, up to 180 now
    Height: 6'0
    I've lifted since I was 14 on and off, but steadily for the past 6 yrs.
    Normal calorie intake is a little above 3000, but I bumped it up to 6000 since i've been on test.
    BTW, needle is 1" 23 gauge. Pushed a little over halfway for tri injection.

    But it kinda feels like we've been getting a little . There seems to be serious debate on the dosage, but I don't want to start experimenting mid cycle, so I'm going to stick with what I've been doing, just more frequent dosing. Maybe jump it to 600mg, but I will have to get more gear if that's the case.

    As far as my arm, I'm pretty sure it's just a reaction to the concentration of the gear and not a tainted solution. I've started cycling injection sites and there seems to be no further problems other than the normal test p soreness. I hope someone else learns from this and realizes to CYCLE YOUR INJECTION SITES unlike my dumbass. The pain & trouble i got from trying site biased injection was not worth the effort. From now on I'll let someone else test the rumors. Hope this helps someone else in the future.


  19. #19
    I know im bringing this thread back from the dead but i was looking through some older posts n thought I should post a followup with my situation.

    Since I started this thread I have since finished 2 cycles. The second cycle was a lot better w/nearly zero injection site pain. This leads me to believe I got some trashy gear the first time, even tho the seal was never broken on the vial. I think I got very lucky and since haven't gone near my old source.

    Hope this helps anyone just getting in. There's def some serious risk out there. So watch who u buy from.

  20. #20
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    Since you brought the thread up and I just read it...let me ask you this, Am I missing something or did she inject 2 cc's into your tricep with the needle only 1/2" into the muscle? 18 replies and no one caught the obvious, 2 cc's is too much (particularly prop) for a tricep unless you are one massive guy and anytime you are trying to push 2 cc's in one shot you better go deeper than a half inch.

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