Yes, definitely aspirated before injected. She's prior EMT recently transferred to ER as a Tech. Nonetheless, she's stuck more people than me.
It's a little embarrassing but I have a noticeable difference in symmetry from my left to right sides so I wanted to see how true rumors were about biased site injections...
went light since this is my first cycle:
Week 1-8 - 400mg/week Test P split into 2cc every 3 days. 10mg Nolva (or as needed)
Week 8-9 - 40 mg clomid, 25mg provironum
Week 10-11 - 20 mg clomid, 25mg provironum
I know Test P has a shorter ester so it sounds like every 3 days is still not enough. I'll bump it up to 1cc every other day, unless you guys think I should be using more.
Like I said, Im trying to take a very cautious approach to this, being my first cycle and all. Maybe next one I'll try tearing my couch in half