I will be flying home for the hollidays, I will be staying at my grandmas house. im in the 8th week of a test e 500 deca 400 cycle, everything is going great. however, im not comfortable bringing gear on a plane, and im definitely not comfortable bringing this stuff to my grandmas house, she is not an idiot i couldnt just convince her it was vitamins or something. and she is the type that if she was cleaning up or something wouldnt hesitate to go into my bag to put clothes away. basically, bringing this with me isnt an option.
so what should i do?
i was planning on loading up the day before i left. and then running some oral PH for the time i was home so i had something in me and then immediately jabbing when i got back.
i know the test stays active for 2 weeks, i just want to make sure ill be good and want to do the best thing
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