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Thread: Post cycle and cutting cycle.

  1. #1

    Post cycle and cutting cycle.

    Hey guys whats up. Im on my 5th week of test 250 enthanate and its going pretty well. Just wondering how long you think I shouyld stay on, what I should try to work in and what I should be taking right now and after words in terms of anti-estrogens and HCGs? Also what do you think is the best cycle for cutting and how long before I should wait after taking this test cycle to do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bro you should have got the answers to those questions long before you started your cycle, not 5 weeks in.
    Clomid 2 weeks after your last shot 300mgs day1/ 100mgs 10 days/ 50mgs 10 days.
    Time on=Time off
    Use that time off to do some research and learn about what your doing BEFORE you do it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    1. run the clomid 3 weeks after last shot..test will take 3 weeks to kick out of your system..
    2. time on = time off
    3. are you taking anything else with your much and what
    4. give us your stats..

    you should have searched for this info before you started this cycle..running a cycle without the right information is like climbing a mountain without training or a'll fuck yourself up...Madmax..

  4. #4
    hey guys i appreciate the input, i have done alot of research and i knew that clomid was the best stuff, i was just wondering how much. I was going to run some decca with the test but i just got it last week and didnt want to put it in 4 weeks into my cycle. Is there anything that is legal that you can get a hold of that is comparable to clomid, anything at like gnc or health food stores if not, what would you recomd the best way to get clomid, online pharmacies , im wary of ordering anythign from overseas websites dont want to get hosed. Anything else that i should take during my cycle, i dont think i have gyno at all, but my nipples have gotten puffy for my last cycle and this cycle. Well anyways, any help at all? Thanx guys

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