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Thread: high or low estrogen?

  1. #1

    high or low estrogen?

    Hello everyone:
    I have been running a 500mg/wk sustnon cycle for about 4 and half weeks. I was taking nolvadex 40mg/day for first 2 weeks of my cycle. that wasn't very bright, I know. So I ran into these problem, such as low sex drive, feeling tired quiet often, I am not sure if I am having low estrogen or high estrogen, as the symptoms are kind of the same. I was always a skinny kid, since I start to work out, i tend to stay pretty lean, I figure I should naturally have low estrogen. taking large amount of nolvadex is not very helping. do you guys think I have low or high estrogen. i haven't take nolvadex for about 2 weeks almost. it should reduce to its half life. should I wait out a bit longer for more estrogen to come back, maybe I will have some improvement?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    losing the plot,remember?
    bro take this as a rule. high test -> high estrogen. low test -> low estrogen. they are always in balance.

  3. #3
    Taking 500mg EW of sustanone witll cause high estrogen. Nolva blocks it, it does not reduce erstrogen. 10-20mg of Nolva is fine for blocking gyno etc.

    If your running into other problems I doubt it’s the nolva but there is still no point in taking 40mg it is not needed.

  4. #4
    what would the problem be if I am just on sustanon 500mg/wk, if I have sexual dysfunction? I never heard of high synthetic testosterone level will make you lose sex drive. high estrogen can cause low sex drive, anyway, I am getting blood work done next week, so I don't have to guess anymore. I will post the result on here. thanks .

  5. #5
    The blood work will have the answers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87 View Post
    The blood work will have the answers.
    that was the first thing that crossed my mind

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