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Thread: biggest shot/ cycle

  1. #1

    biggest shot/ cycle

    so i want to hear what your biggest shot, or most juice you ever ran was?
    i know there are going to be a bunch of "i read in this book, and this guy posted not to do that" people against this one, but i want to hear from the real freaks, the guys that want to get so big it looks like it hurts.

    biggest one for me
    1700 test
    1200 eq
    1200 tren
    700 mast
    800 deca
    a week

    did a 5 cc shot in my glute once, no real issue with it, probably wont do it again, but didn't feel to much differance from a 3cc shot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What are you stats? Im 5'8", currently 245lbs, 20" arms. I can't even handle half of the cycle you listed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    5.6grams a week.....

    Post your before and after blood works. I'd love to see how far off the charts your cholesterol and liver function is!
    Last edited by fizler; 12-19-2009 at 07:56 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    ve jay jay land
    Have you ever heard of a sterile abscess?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fizler View Post
    5.6grams a week

    Post your before and after blood works. I'd love to see how far off the charts your cholesterol and liver function is!
    .... I have known people who have ran 4 - 4.5 grams of test PER week, (stacked w/ various other compounds.) 5.6 grams a week is high, but in no way unheard of.

    I bet his liver function would mildly elevated BTW.

    I don't think anything in the cycle is crazy other then the 1.2g of tren. test is high, EQ is reasonable, deca is moderately high.

    lol.. sorry just my 0.02

    Regarding the 5cc injection... ouch. lol. that's a lot of oil.. even for the glute to absorb.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    .... I have known people who have ran 4 - 4.5 grams of test PER week, (stacked w/ various other compounds.) 5.6 grams a week is high, but in no way unheard of.

    I bet his liver function would mildly elevated BTW.

    I don't think anything in the cycle is crazy other then the 1.2g of tren. test is high, EQ is reasonable, deca is moderately high.

    lol.. sorry just my 0.02

    Regarding the 5cc injection... ouch. lol. that's a lot of oil.. even for the glute to absorb.
    There may be people that run those crazy amounts, but they are the few elite. I know many national level competitors and Ive never heard of anyone that runs even close to those numbers.

    I had my blood checked when on a moderate cycle (1.2gram EW combined, injectables only) and my liver values were elevated. Enough to give great concern to my DR. I knew why they were elevated but my GI did not. He wanted to run me through an array of tests. Said it could be a variety of ailments including Hepatitis.

  7. #7
    after that cycle i was around 320
    bf was high then, didn't diet well around 14%
    i normally get my cholesterol checked 6 weeks after being off, it was borderline

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Pics? That's beastly bro

  9. #9
    ill see if i can get some up where my tats are covered. i have a somewhat public job, dont want anything that can easily id me associated with that much gear.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    There's no reason for that much juice unless it's your job.

    I'm interested in your PCT.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    There crazy amounts

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    How much did that cost?

    How many ml's was your biggest shot? Everyone else, biggest shot?

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