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Thread: Steroid test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Steroid test?

    Hi there,

    I last summer was my third cycle of Test-e 500mg for 12weeks.. I finished the cycle in August and I did the proper PCT.. Now I need to to quite a few tests for my new job which included urine sample, liver tests blood test etc.. If they decide to do an anaboic test, could some results show i was on Test e?

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    losing the plot,remember?
    Quote Originally Posted by 1006 View Post
    Hi there,

    I last summer was my third cycle of Test-e 500mg for 12weeks.. I finished the cycle in August and I did the proper PCT.. Now I need to to quite a few tests for my new job which included urine sample, liver tests blood test etc.. If they decide to do an anaboic test, could some results show i was on Test e?

    Thanks for your help
    i do not think they will ever test you for anabolic steroids . even if in a worst case scenario they would test for steroids test E traces have already went out. the best thing to invoke in case they do a steroid test and get positive is to say you have used legal supplements that have prohormones.

  3. #3
    its been 3 months, they usually test for hormone levels to verify steriods. Test levels should be back within normal range 200-800 since you did pct.

    Take 1 aspirin one our prior to your test. If you think you need to cleanse, get one of the products to be on the safe side, but i think you will be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Steroid tests are quite expensive. Unless your job is really looking for steroid users it unlikely they'll spend the money.

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