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Thread: Sust pain in Quads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Sust pain in Quads

    Coming on to wk 5 of first cycle, been injecting in quads only and have been getting what i believe to be Sust pain. Iv been hoping it would go away by now so been hesitant to start a new virgin fresh muscle. Will it go away and should i still be feeling it. Thinking about hitting shoulders but i dont want it to hinder my training. Now i wouldnt put myself in ya average ***** class and go fu - - this hurts over nothing. Iv just been dealing with it and hoping it would go away.
    Now its time to get some advice/ experiances from my commrads on here.
    Next injection is tonight and thinking about hitting Delt, is it the same pain in delts or is is worse in quads cause ya on ya legs all day.
    Also thinking about Chest as it is any easy one for me to get to, think I might have to get my Gf to do my delt, (scary thought)

    Also while on subject does site injection seem to enhance growth of the site by any, ie going in chest make chest grow more. ( i think i know my answer)

    2 x sust250 wk, 23g 1 1/4 pin.

    Thanks Ylfcm

  2. #2
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    Nov 2009

  3. #3
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    You need to start rotating injection sites:

    glutes, delts, quads, pecs.

    This should help some.

    Also, start being a man, lol.

    And no, injection site growth from AAS is a myth. If it were true, my ass would be the size of a house by now.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    You need to start rotating injection sites:

    glutes, delts, quads, pecs.

    This should help some.

    Also, start being a man, lol.

    And no, injection site growth from AAS is a myth. If it were true, my ass would be the size of a house by now.
    Agreed lol

  5. #5
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    it normal to have pain in your quads if they r virgin muscles lol for me when i was on my first cycle my quads hurt like a bitch afterwards my delts werent as bad lol everyone is differnt like what was said above rotate ur injection sites best of luck

  6. #6
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    You should be able to hit glutes on your own. They're a large muscle so they handle the injections well. I do them while looking in the mirror. Having 4 sites for a 2 injection per week cycle is ok.

  7. #7
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    I started with quads and migrated to glutes. Glutes are EASY to hit cause they are soo big. You can do them easily on your own. You don't even need a mirror, just a slight turn of the head. Also, there are a few things that I found help to minimize the pain for me. Keep in mind that everybody is different. I like to heat the oil so that it is nice and warm when I inject. Also, while you are injecting take it nice and slow! I find that if I really take my time and let the oil ozze in there instead of forcing it in, there is much less post injection pain. Hope that helps. cali

  8. #8
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    Thanks guys..

    Hit front delt last night and went well, so the rotation begins.
    I do inject slow and warm the oil only with body heat though, so not sure if thats enough.
    Start being a man ha ha , cant say iv missed a training session or work or anything because of the pain i just deal with it, also just to clear this one up im not wingeing about it but just asking advice from guys with experiance ha ha.


  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    ive always done quads and always feel the sust in there, some occasions its hard to bend my leg afta standing for a while, but at least i know its def in there lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaliPhotog View Post
    I started with quads and migrated to glutes. Glutes are EASY to hit cause they are soo big. You can do them easily on your own. You don't even need a mirror, just a slight turn of the head. Also, there are a few things that I found help to minimize the pain for me. Keep in mind that everybody is different. I like to heat the oil so that it is nice and warm when I inject. Also, while you are injecting take it nice and slow! I find that if I really take my time and let the oil ozze in there instead of forcing it in, there is much less post injection pain. Hope that helps. cali
    I put my vial in a pan of hot water that is about 1/4inch deep and you can clearly see the oil move more clearly. Flows better thru the needle.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ylfcm View Post
    Thanks guys..

    I do inject slow and warm the oil only with body heat though, so not sure if thats enough.

    I do it a weird way, but here it goes. For reasons of not being able to pin at home I have developed a little routine. I have a place that I go to pin and on the way there I put the ampule of Sust, in the box, on the dash of my truck right on top of the vents. Then I run the heat on high till I get to the location. The ampule is hot to touch and the oil flows really nice. By the time it gets in the syringe it cools a bit, but is still warm. Since I started doing this I really noticed that it was easier and smoother to inject slowly and the pain has all but gone away.

  12. #12
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    I take a cup and fill it with hot water. I let the amp sit in the hot water while I take a shower. Then I dry off and pim immediately.

    I don't think that body heat would be enough, unless you left it in your arm pit for 20 minutes

  13. #13
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    warm it up if you really need to. or just man up lol

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    just pin it m8, u will get used to it, i actually like tht nice tight feeling when i pin sust

  15. #15
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    I came on here looking for the same answer. I did my first shot in the quad last night, was fine during the workout and for several hours afterwards. I woke up and my quad felt like it had been pulled, it hurt to straighten out and a dull pain generally. I think as long as there is no swelling or fever its fine.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    You need to start rotating injection sites:

    glutes, delts, quads, pecs.

    This should help some.

    Also, start being a man, lol.

    And no, injection site growth from AAS is a myth. If it were true, my ass would be the size of a house by now.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Agreed lol
    As far as you are concerned, is it possible to inject aas also in calfs, biceps and triceps?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    As far as you are concerned, is it possible to inject aas also in calfs, biceps and triceps?

    But calves are by far the most painful site for me.

    I did it once, just to try it...and never again.

    There are plenty of other sites to hit, imo.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    As far as you are concerned, is it possible to inject aas also in calfs, biceps and triceps?

    Not to keen to go the Biceps, Triceps or Calves with sust yet. Been doing my delts now, went fronts , first 1 swelled up a little and went red but all good, second 1 was today , misus is helping me pin and is keen as to stick 1 in my lats hmmm.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggerguns View Post
    I put my vial in a pan of hot water that is about 1/4inch deep and you can clearly see the oil move more clearly. Flows better thru the needle.
    Tried the hot water this time , flowed in alot easier. See how it feels in 2 days .


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ylfcm View Post
    Tried the hot water this time , flowed in alot easier. See how it feels in 2 days .

    It should definatly make a difference.

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