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Thread: Doing low dose test-c and adding masteron for anti-e

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Doing low dose test-c and adding masteron for anti-e

    Currently i am doing about 100 mg's of Test Cyp @ 1 ej per week. To be honest this all i really need and am already showing results. After week 5, my nipples started getting sore and decided to use masteron as a anti-e. How much should i take per week? How often to inject? Remember im really just using it as a anti-e not for cutting. I have letro, but i am trying to stay away from that stuff the best i can!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    keep the info comming id like to know how that goes.
    good thread

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaoss22 View Post
    Currently i am doing about 100 mg's of Test Cyp @ 1 ej per week. To be honest this all i really need and am already showing results. After week 5, my nipples started getting sore and decided to use masteron as a anti-e. How much should i take per week? How often to inject? Remember im really just using it as a anti-e not for cutting. I have letro, but i am trying to stay away from that stuff the best i can!
    What ever you are getting for gains from 100 mgs of cyp can not be much.IMHO

    Do not take mast for an AI.

    Use an AI.

    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Your 26



    I was looking over your previous posts, and they are conflicting in nature.

    Just pointing this out.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Your looking at stuff from over a year ago possibly more.

    Anyways i am now about 220 and more like 5'11. I had shoulder surgery which set me back. Ive been working out for about 3 months again before i started cycling back (if you want to call it that) I wanted to start with something low until i strengthened my tendons. I am taking .4 ml's dosed at 250 mgs/1ml . I am using from a reliable source and still getting gains. Nothing huge, but i feel like i am getting back to where i was before. Use to take over 500 mgs per week and 100 mgs for me is doing about the same. Not sure why either.

    I have heard of masteron being used as a anti e and actually now i no longer have nipple soreness, i know masteron is active for about 4 days but have only been doing 1 injection per week at 100 mgs. I know i should be doing it at least twice a week but how much.

    This is one of the places i got my information from.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I can see 100mgs long ester test showing slight gains .

    Several companies market herbal supplements that can raise natural test .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you have gyno, then mast won't get rid of it.

    It may help somewhat on cycle, but do not get confused on this.

    Proviron is a great for this reason on cycle.

    Mast does not automatize, and is a great steroid when stacked.

    Once gyno has set in, it's there until surgery removes it.

    You can reverse it on cycle with letro.(fingers crossed)

    Swifto did some great research here on this.

    I think that the op that you refer to was maybe gyno starting and maybe just some fat and H2o, and the mast cut it off.

    Run an AI for gyno reversal.

    You do not want to get stuck with it, not worth the cost.

    The best way to get rid of gyno, is to prevent it.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I have experienced similar results. But I think it has to do more with what titanium said, cutting out the extra fat and water will do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    If you have gyno, then mast won't get rid of it.

    It may help somewhat on cycle, but do not get confused on this.

    Proviron is a great for this reason on cycle.

    Mast does not automatize, and is a great steroid when stacked.

    Once gyno has set in, it's there until surgery removes it.

    You can reverse it on cycle with letro.(fingers crossed)

    Swifto did some great research here on this.

    I think that the op that you refer to was maybe gyno starting and maybe just some fat and H2o, and the mast cut it off.

    Run an AI for gyno reversal.

    You do not want to get stuck with it, not worth the cost.

    The best way to get rid of gyno, is to prevent it.


    I have heard having sore nipples does not necessarily mean gyno. Can you get gyno with only 100 mgs per week? Even so, i no longer have the sore nipples, and knowing that masteron works as a Mild anti e and trying to stay away from the letro as best as possible, is it safe to say continue on cycle with the mast and test c just as long as my nipples dont get sore again or jump on that letro asap? I also have some caber as well ......

    Thank you so much for the help btw.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaoss22 View Post
    I have heard having sore nipples does not necessarily mean gyno. Can you get gyno with only 100 mgs per week? Even so, i no longer have the sore nipples, and knowing that masteron works as a Mild anti e and trying to stay away from the letro as best as possible, is it safe to say continue on cycle with the mast and test c just as long as my nipples dont get sore again or jump on that letro asap? I also have some caber as well ......

    Thank you so much for the help btw.
    I would just continue as usual.

    It's possible to get itchy nips at that does, but rare.

    I would up the mgs to atleast 400.

    But that is up to you.....................

    Add 10 mgs of nolva ed, and see what that does for your nips.

    If it gets worse, jump on adex @ .25 eod.

    Letro is a last resort in my opinion.

    Estrogen is one of the most misunderstood thing in BB.

    You want it, but only up to the point that it doesn't cause sides.

    Caber is always good to have, but don't take it unless you need it.

    Prolactin is a subject that does not effect everyone the same way.

    Meaning that sides are treated on a person to person basis.

    There are guide lines to follow.

    But thats what they are, guidelines.



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