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Thread: First Cycle--- Post your opinions

  1. #1

    First Cycle--- Post your opinions


    I'm 21 years old 5'7 1/2 176 lbs. Bench is currently at 275. Body fat 14.76%. I consider myself very athletic, always been somewhat of a natural. Bench pressed 225 for the first time at age 15. Made a horrible decision of using test booster while in my senior year in high school. Experimented with Methyl Masterdrol. I saw some serious gains but werent aware of the side effects. Ended up with chlolestrol levels that were out of wack and a touch of gyno. After my football days ended after my freshman year in college I took some serious time outside of the gym.

    Im turning 22 years old and graduating college in may. I plan on working at a popular outdoor bar in Las Vegas and Need to put on some serious muscle again. I found myself back at levels I once was at when I was 15. Did some serious research before I made any decisions on steroids. I always was against using steroids, once I realized methyl masterdrol is just an oral test I figured there was no reason to shy away from steroids. After doing a good amount of research I came to a conclusion that Deca and Test were good beginner steroids. I also heard from many friends that HGH is a good (less dangerous) way to build lean muscle.

    ----------------THE PLAN-----------------

    Wk 1 Deca 2 injects 150 mg each M/T
    WK 2 Deca 2 injects 300 mg each Mon/Thurs
    Wk 3 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 4 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 5 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 6 Test Enthanate 250 mg each
    Wk 7 Test Enthanate 25o ng each
    POST Cycle Nolvadex and Clomid for test and estrogen control
    My biggest question would be with the HGH. I picked up HGH as well. Its yellow tops and 100 percent generic. I was going to use it while post cycling the clomid and nolvadex. Im looking to cut my body fat down to about 8 percent which I hope the HGH will help me do. I also was told it would help maintain the mass I generated from the deca and test. I am only an amateur and this is my very first cycle. I would love your input
    Weight 185
    Bench 350
    Body Fat 8 %
    main focus on core and ab and midsection
    *** currently on my 3rd week. Just started the test. Havent seen many side affects besides maybe a touch of deca dick (could be mental). Strength and size is just beginning to be a bit more noticable. Friends, classmates, co-workers have made comments about my arms and overall thickness. I feel like when Im in the gym I can lift forever... almost like a robot. Instantly love the feeling and look forward to my next injection.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    still too young and that cycle is not right.
    first off for a first cycle running one compound is best to understand where certain gains and sides come from.
    also with deca you would not start it two weeks before your test

  3. #3
    also if anyone has good dieting tips it would be greatly appreciated as well. Between work and school its been hard to eat every 2 hours like your suppose to. I always drink a meal replacement with atleast 3 other meals. Ive limited my carb and sugar intake and focusing on eating more protein foods (grilled chicken, steak, salmon) if anyone has some advice on how to get stronger and lose body fat please post

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    still too young and that cycle is not right.
    first off for a first cycle running one compound is best to understand where certain gains and sides come from.
    also with deca you would not start it two weeks before your test
    your absolutely right. I was planning on running them together, had a little trouble with my source. Made a stupid decision of being to eager. You really think 22 is too young? I havent really grown at all since i was 16. Taller than my father, I feel like Im done growing. I realize my test levels are still high at 22, however with the clomid and nolvadex wont I protect myself from too bad hormonal imbalances?

  5. #5
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Achilles22 View Post
    your absolutely right. I was planning on running them together, had a little trouble with my source. Made a stupid decision of being to eager. You really think 22 is too young? I havent really grown at all since i was 16. Taller than my father, I feel like Im done growing. I realize my test levels are still high at 22, however with the clomid and nolvadex wont I protect myself from too bad hormonal imbalances?
    no way of telling and you are too young, you could quite easily screw your natural system up for life just for the sake of a quick fix, it doesnt work tht way and steroids arent magic, do you want to risk impotence etc? wait till your 25+

  6. #6
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    Jul 2008
    I have a feeling your going to do a cycle anyways, so at least let me help. Deca on a first cycle is a very very bad idea. Wait as long as possible to start this (like 5 weeks before you start working and you should pick up 20 lbs from the Dbol)

    Run test 12 weeks... to jump start your bulking, take Dbol 40 mg ED for the first 4 weeks.

  7. #7
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    I see that you already started at the bottom of your post. Deca on a first time leads to serious injuries typically. Over working out is the issue, as you said "I feel like i can lift for ever" and you notice the strength gains.

    You already started a screwed up cycle, may as well stick with it and ride it out. Only reason you would be getting deca dick is from you running too much deca and not enough test.

    HGH should NOT be run till your 30, so 22 is just stupid and for a bare minimum of 6 months, preferably a year.

  8. #8
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    uhg... it keeps getting worse and worse. Did you do any research before you started this damn thing? For **** sake... you probably are having deca dick. You did 2 weeks of deca with no test. Its not mental... its a dysfunction.

  9. #9
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    I dont see the point of asking for advice about a cycle when you have allready started it had you asked before we would have told you what you want to run and how your running it is no good

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Achilles22 View Post

    I'm 21 years old 5'7 1/2 176 lbs. Bench is currently at 275. Body fat 14.76%. I consider myself very athletic, always been somewhat of a natural. Bench pressed 225 for the first time at age 15. Made a horrible decision of using test booster while in my senior year in high school. Experimented with Methyl Masterdrol. I saw some serious gains but werent aware of the side effects. Ended up with chlolestrol levels that were out of wack and a touch of gyno. After my football days ended after my freshman year in college I took some serious time outside of the gym.

    Im turning 22 years old and graduating college in may. I plan on working at a popular outdoor bar in Las Vegas and Need to put on some serious muscle again. I found myself back at levels I once was at when I was 15. Did some serious research before I made any decisions on steroids. I always was against using steroids, once I realized methyl masterdrol is just an oral test I figured there was no reason to shy away from steroids. After doing a good amount of research I came to a conclusion that Deca and Test were good beginner steroids. I also heard from many friends that HGH is a good (less dangerous) way to build lean muscle.

    ----------------THE PLAN-----------------

    Wk 1 Deca 2 injects 150 mg each M/T
    WK 2 Deca 2 injects 300 mg each Mon/Thurs
    Wk 3 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 4 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 5 Deca 2 injects 300 mg 2 Injections Test enanthate 250 mg each
    Wk 6 Test Enthanate 250 mg each
    Wk 7 Test Enthanate 25o ng each
    POST Cycle Nolvadex and Clomid for test and estrogen control
    My biggest question would be with the HGH. I picked up HGH as well. Its yellow tops and 100 percent generic. I was going to use it while post cycling the clomid and nolvadex. Im looking to cut my body fat down to about 8 percent which I hope the HGH will help me do. I also was told it would help maintain the mass I generated from the deca and test. I am only an amateur and this is my very first cycle. I would love your input
    Weight 185
    Bench 350
    Body Fat 8 %
    main focus on core and ab and midsection
    *** currently on my 3rd week. Just started the test. Havent seen many side affects besides maybe a touch of deca dick (could be mental). Strength and size is just beginning to be a bit more noticable. Friends, classmates, co-workers have made comments about my arms and overall thickness. I feel like when Im in the gym I can lift forever... almost like a robot. Instantly love the feeling and look forward to my next injection.
    That was enough, no need to read on.
    Do not cycle.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    That was enough, no need to read on.
    Do not cycle.
    "*** currently on my 3rd week."

    He screwed up further

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    that is one shitty looking cycle, why start deca before the test??? no point in that. and your expecting to gain 10lbs of muscle, lose 7% bodyfat and put 75lbs on your bench. your goals could be considered a bit ambitious to be honest.

  13. #13
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    I will advise that I really do not want members giving advice to other members that are under 25.



  14. #14
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    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I will advise that I really do not want members giving advice to other members that are under 25.


    ^^^^^ x100

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    I dont see the point of asking for advice about a cycle when you have allready started it had you asked before we would have told you what you want to run and how your running it is no good
    exactly my friend.

    OP- deca dick is not mental.
    if u were smart u would stop and hit ur pct and really researcha and learn.
    u have no business using AAS......NONE

  16. #16
    deca dick stopped as soon as I started running test...figured this shit would be helpful nevermind

  17. #17
    fact of the matter is a good amount use steroids to compete in college in pro sports all the time before age 25...I have a number of friends my age and younger who do steroids (some that started years ago)...I was hoping to get something from all this, not just a bunch of meatheads like myself telling me how dumb I am.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by corsa5000 View Post
    that is one shitty looking cycle, why start deca before the test??? no point in that. and your expecting to gain 10lbs of muscle, lose 7% bodyfat and put 75lbs on your bench. your goals could be considered a bit ambitious to be honest.
    bench is up 25 pounds already weights up 4 lbs still havent done body fat again yet but lost a considerable amount on my ab and lovehandle area...wouldnt say its too far off

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by El Corvino View Post
    I have a feeling your going to do a cycle anyways, so at least let me help. Deca on a first cycle is a very very bad idea. Wait as long as possible to start this (like 5 weeks before you start working and you should pick up 20 lbs from the Dbol)

    Run test 12 weeks... to jump start your bulking, take Dbol 40 mg ED for the first 4 weeks.

    honestly thank you for your help... Not completely pointless because if you read the whole summary I havent started HGH yet and Im still looking for better dieting techniques.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Looking East
    Just to add to the ranks here - no offence - but you shouldn't be on AAS. It can jack you for life. Consider yourself warned again.
    Last edited by LeroyB; 12-22-2009 at 12:45 AM.

  21. #21

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