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Thread: Cutting cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Cutting cycle

    I want to use test e for my next cycle. I realize that test prop would probably be the better choice for cutting and I have no problem with using prop other than it being more expensive and the more frequent injections. would lets say letrozole, arimidex or proviron work well to keep the bloat and water retention down??

    Here is what I am thinking of using (remember, this is just a rough draft. I plan on making changes)

    Test E or Test Prop: 1-14 350-400mg/wk
    EQ: 1-12 500-600mg/wk
    Anavar: ??? Still doing research on this. When and how long would it be best to run this?
    Winstrol: If I were to use winny, I would use it the last 4 weeks @ 40-50mg/ED

    I am also considering substituting primobolan but I am still doing research on it. Once again, this is a rough copy and I am open for suggestions. I want to keep water retention and bloat to a minimum and would appreciate more help on that. I will run HCG for testes during cycle as well as pct for 4 weeks with nolva/clomid. I may be forgetting something but Ithink that is it.

    I have done 3 previous cycles the last couple of years.
    Almost 26
    6'3" 215 lbs
    I have been lifting for almost 10 years but did not get really serious about it til 3 or 4 years ago. I plan on using a strict diet, but do not have a detailed one to post for you guys at this time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    I think test e with an ai or proviron(your choice) is good for cutting and will cause minimal bloat.

    Do either winny or anavar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Would the last 6 to 8 weeks of the cycle be the best to run the anavar? And I was going to run it at 40mg/ED. Would that be a proper dose while running it with test and EQ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I checked out another dude's cycle similar to the one I described and he ran the anavar for 6 weeks and then switched to winstrol at the end of his cycle with test all the way through. He didn't post results so I'm not sure how it turned out. I really like idea or running anavar as long as possible, because of its ability to suppress your appetite and still build muscle and gain strength. I think this is ideal while using equipoise, because of EQ's ability to increase hunger. It would also allow me to prevent bloat and water retention from the test E during most of the cycle.
    How would this look:

    Test E: 1-14 400mg/wk
    EQ: 1-12 500-600mg/wk
    Anavar: 3-10 40mg/ED (maybe 4 or 5-10 depending on what I can afford)
    Winny: 11-14 50mg/EOD

    HCG: 1000 i.u./wk along with arimidex or letro

    PCT: 16-19 Nolva/Clomid/HCG (Also considering LR3 IGF-1 13-19 @40mcgs)

    This is just a start. I do not mind slow and steady gains. I want to prevent as much bloat and water retention as possible and keep as much strength gained as possible. This is a first time for using EQ, Anavar, and Winny so feedback from experienced users of those 3 would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am currently around 10-12% bf.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    14 weeks on orals will wreak havoc on your liver and kidneys.

    Is it win inj?

    You could do 40 mg var and 50 mg win the last 6 weeks.??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Test: 1-14 500mg/wk prop

    Winny: 11-14 50mg/ED

    HCG: 250 iu's X 2 wk

    Adex @ .25 mgs eod.(if needed.)

    Save the var for another cycle.IMO

    PCT: 3 days post cycle= Nolva/Clomid

    You could add var, if you can afford it.

    I like simple cycles.


    Last edited by TITANIUM; 12-22-2009 at 12:43 PM.

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