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Thread: Critique my spring cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Critique my spring cycle

    this is thus far, what i'll be running in the spring.

    stats, etc.

    29, 228lbs@16%bf (yes, that will be lower when i start cycle, currently doing a mild bulk)
    training, over 4yrs.

    most of the regulars know i put in my time, and i eat like a horse (trust me, as a former fatass - i know how very important diet is!)

    so, here it is.

    i find im a touch gyno prone. using warmachine's PCT/Gyno thread, i managed to get rid of literally 95% of my gyno lump..which wasnt horrible or noticeable, but i took care of it fast.

    so, in stating that......

    600mg/week of test prop (shot eod) - 16 weeks
    600mg/week of EQ - 16 weeks
    50mg/day of winny for 2 weeks, then 100mg/day for 6 weeks (running it last 8 weeks of cycle)
    and for the gyno: 0.5mg/day of arimidex. possibly 1mg if it's recommended, knowing im "prone"

    and i may toss in some clen at the end to lend a hand the last few tough lbs.

    then of course, pct.

    nolva: 40/20/20/20
    clomid: 100/50/50/50

    and most likely some HCG the last 4 weeks of cycle. i did it this time, and i found it REALLY helped me not feel depressed/lethargic/estrogenical after a few weeks of being off.

    any tips/suggestions welcome. going to be "clean" for 4 months before hitting this cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    This cycle will def. lower you bf% and put on lean muscle.
    Some people may say 16 weeks is overkill on this cycle.

    Im curious to see what the vets say

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Yea, i know you've been around Nicotine.
    Cycle looks good to me but i'm not a fan of stopping everything at once. I'd run the test for a week longer and keep the winny at the same dosage throughout.
    I'd just keep diet in check and forget the clen. Clen seems to be popular right now but you can achieve your goals w/ proper diet. Plus, your compounds are pretty good. I've ran EQ and i'm not a real big fan of it but some friends love it. Genetics i guess.
    Your PCT seems to be good and i know if you're following Warmachine's advice then your cool.
    HCG @ 500 per week should be good, but some take it to 750. Ask WAR about that.
    Good luch man.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    How old are you and how tall are you?
    How many cycles have you done?

    Seems like a long cycle with a short ester.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Why not go with test e or c and stop the eq a week or so before the test so pct times can match up. What's up with 100mg of winny? Is that really necessary?

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    won t the eq make your appetite increase and thus not good if you wana cut?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Test e makes me carry water like a sea cow!

    as for height 6ft. Cycles? 1 test only cycle and 2 cycles after that.

    As for clen. I used it in the past when cutting. It did well for me but yes - as a guy who lost 103 lbs a few yrs ago, I know how important diet is.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    Test e makes me carry water like a sea cow!

    as for height 6ft. Cycles? 1 test only cycle and 2 cycles after that.

    As for clen. I used it in the past when cutting. It did well for me but yes - as a guy who lost 103 lbs a few yrs ago, I know how important diet is.
    thts a fantastic achievement, well done pal

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thats alot of pin pricks but it you dont mind go for it. Ive used eq before, wasnt blown away by it but i dont have anything bad to say about it. although i think it made my joints hurt alittle. but that could have been something esle. good luck man. what goals are you looking for with this cycle?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    man im on a long prop cycle now and i can tell u, i cant wait to finish this fvker, feeling like a pin cushion is a under statement.
    other then that, looks good man. im not a fan of winny cause of the bad joint pain, never touch that shit again.
    but looks good man, long cycle, make sure ur prepared for this one...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I would do sustanon as test base.
    Eq looks good.
    I would do 75-100mg win the last 6 weeks.

    Pct looks good.

    How did you run your hgc last time?


  12. #12
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    Sust isn't good for me. I ran it my first cycle - caused me to retain major water. Hence why I'm going prop. Long esters bloat me out no matter how controlled my intake is.

    Hcg I did 750iu/ week for 5 weeks. Worked well. My pct wasn't as depressing and my sex drive remained good.

    So I think this is the route. Will post before/during/after pics!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    stop the eq 2 wks before if your gonna run prop,,, i cant see your retaining that much water if your using adex every day,, i would start with .25mg/ed and raise it if you need to
    good luck,, better buy a truck load of syringes

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