What do you know about these guys?...I have used a certain research chem company prior to using ******* (the company I had used prior didn't have the liquid Arimidex I wanted to purchase in stock at the time) and while I normally can tell effectively when the AI is working ( I am on hcg monotherapy, and an AI is integral in keeping e2 within the normal range, as well as reducing the amount of LH receptor desensitization) and during the 3 wks of treatment with ******* product, I felt nothing, nor did I notice any physiological evidence of e2 reduction. I increasingly felt worse as my estrogen levels likely soared.
I never believed the hype around the boards, where a overwhelming amount of people seem to be bashing ******* product, reasoning that ******* were still good to go as they are one of the oldest research chem companies in the market.
Any input here regarding the product that ******* pushes ?