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Thread: First time user

  1. #1

    First time user

    Hey guys. This is my first post so I will just give a little info about myself. Im 26 years old, 5'11, 170 pounds and 17% body fat. My goal is to try and keep the same frame but get more cut. I've been in and out of sports but this last year I've been slacking. I started up my P90X routine in November and have been staying religious with my cardio. I was hoping to see more results this year than in my previous ones. I picked up some stanazol and some dianabol. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a first cycle that would yield some results I would notice.

    I know these two are not complementary to each other so if anybody would recommend something else or make any suggestions regarding what to do, I would be grateful.


  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Welcome, I would concentrate on your diet and cardio, if your at a sticking point and things aren't moving so fast I would re-design your diet and up your cardio, even try some carb cycling to shift your bf to around 12%, if you do this naturally you will be in a very good position. I dont think using steroids for the goals your trying to achieve will be a good idea, I would attack your bf and carry on what your doing and reconsider your approach when you get down to 12%. Best of luck

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