Hello im 18 years old and i would like to start andractim cream for p.e
What would be the sideffects of this use?
Hello im 18 years old and i would like to start andractim cream for p.e
What would be the sideffects of this use?
bump Please can anyone help me?
Is this prescribed?
no its not but i can get it without a prescription. what would be the side-effects of usin andractim on me an 18 yearold?
You should not be using this product. It does very little in the form of anabolism.
Why do you want to use it?
Another kid looking for the Holy Grail. Hey kid there are no short cuts.
Stats Please:
yrs training
He said it might help him with pe (physical education?) Must have some killer dodgeball where he's from....
mate, from a young mate to another, if you need steroids to help you with P.E you need to go to a doctor and see if you have some sort of deficiency of some sort, I dont know the reason for this(needing steroids for P.E, maybe you just want to be more popular or want to get some pvssy and think muscles and P.E is the way) but i cant tell you this, if you are 18, you should have enought test in your system to rock P.E, and pvssy (lots of it)
Eat more, sleep more (i know its hard because everybody your age just wants to go to bed at 2:00 a.m on a weekday for no reason) and train wiser, and you will improve yourself, AAS should be used (inmy opinion) to complement good workout and dietary habits, not to be better in P.E.
Tell us more about your situation, what do you wanna improve and why, a game, just for a chick or something, nobody knows who u are here, so u cant get in sh!t but anyways...hope u open up with us and let us know what is truly there, enjoy the holidays man.
i will like to use it for penis enlargement..will there be any sideeffects with andractim?
It does not work that way. It will not enlarge your penis. The only way to enlarge your penis is surgery and then it might not work anymore. Learn how to give good oral.
pull on it and have sex 3x daily. its a muscle so the more of a pump it you give it the bigger it gets imo
Get your read on. I don't know if it is too late at 18.
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