View Poll Results: How Much Test E for 1st Cycle with Limited Supplies

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  • 250 mgs/wk x 10 weeks

    1 100.00%
  • 350 mgs/wk x 7 weeks

    0 0%
Results 1 to 2 of 2

Thread: Help with my 1st Cycle!!!!

  1. #1

    Help with my 1st Cycle!!!!

    Hey everyone, Im new to this forum but I'm needing some advice.
    I just started a Test E cycle, my very 1st cycle. Due to supply shortages, my friend who gave it to me only had ONE vial, (total 2500 mgs of test) :-( I asked him if that was really enough for a 10 week cycle, since he takes 750 mg of test and some tren usually. He said it was fine for a beginner. But Im 192 pounds and 11% bodyfat, and have been lifting pretty hard for several years.
    So basically my question is would 250 mgs of Test E every week for 10 weeks be adequate/effective for a 1st cycle? Or should i up the dosage and necessarily reduce the duration?
    I also have a bottle of IDS Mass Tabs, 30 day supply that I was thinking of jump starting the cycle with...
    FYI I have plenty of Nolva and can get Clomid if you guys think I'll need it....
    Stats: -192 lbs
    -11% Body fat
    -5ft, 9in
    -23 years old
    -Have done some OTC test boosters(dont think they did anything)
    -Taking a daily muti-vitamin and considering creatine as well
    -Bench: 345
    -Deadlift: 415
    -Squat: Not sure, my knees are bad, prob in the upper 300's
    -3500 cals per day, possibly 4000 if things are going well

    I know I know my squat and dead should be much higher than my bench....

    So here it is:
    Weeks (1-10) Test E
    Weeks (1-4) Mass Tabs
    Weeks (1-10) Nolva as needed
    Weeks (11-14) Nolva 40 30 20 10 / mgs per day

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Mt. Olympus
    mm double edge swrod. i dont liek eithe rof those dosages though some people like running low 250mg for 10-12 wks. Id wait it out il u get some more and go 500mg wk for 12 weeks

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